Investigation of Reactions and Catalysts for the Combustion of Fuels. 12. Study of an Aluminum Magnesium Chromium-Oxide Catalyst by the TPD of Oxygen Full article
Journal |
Kinetics and Catalysis
ISSN: 0023-1584 , E-ISSN: 1608-3210 |
Output data | Year: 1992, Volume: 33, Number: 1 pt 2, Pages: 121-125 Pages count : 5 | ||
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Affiliations |
The thermoprogrammed desorption (TPD) of oxygen was used to study the properties of an aluminum-magnesium-chromium oxide catalyst for the catalytic generation of heat (CGH). It is shown that oxygen is adsorbed at the surface of the sample in two forms: by low-temperature adsorption (T(des) = 820 K) and high-temperature adsorption (T(des) = 1140 K); the forms possess different reactivities in the oxidation of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane. The data for the TPD of oxygen have been compared with the results obtained in the thermoprogrammed reduction (TPR) of-the samples. It is assumed that the high-temperature form of oxygen is linked to sites on the surface of gamma-AL2O3, containing chromium which is stabilized at the higher degrees of oxidation; the low-temperature form is related to the presence of a highly dispersed phase of MgCr2O4 or chromium associates, which are easily oxidized to Cr(VI) in air.
Podyacheva O.Y.
, Rogov V.A.
, Kirichenko O.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Investigation of Reactions and Catalysts for the Combustion of Fuels. 12. Study of an Aluminum Magnesium Chromium-Oxide Catalyst by the TPD of Oxygen
Kinetics and Catalysis. 1992. V.33. N1 pt 2. P.121-125. WOS РИНЦ
Investigation of Reactions and Catalysts for the Combustion of Fuels. 12. Study of an Aluminum Magnesium Chromium-Oxide Catalyst by the TPD of Oxygen
Kinetics and Catalysis. 1992. V.33. N1 pt 2. P.121-125. WOS РИНЦ
Подъячева О.Ю.
, Рогов В.А.
, Кириченко О.А.
, Исмагилов З.Р.
Исследование реакций и катализаторов сжигания топлив. XII. Изучение свойств оксидного алюмомагнийхромового катализатора методом ТПД кислорода
Кинетика и катализ. 1992. Т.33. №1. С.152-156. РИНЦ ANCAN
Исследование реакций и катализаторов сжигания топлив. XII. Изучение свойств оксидного алюмомагнийхромового катализатора методом ТПД кислорода
Кинетика и катализ. 1992. Т.33. №1. С.152-156. РИНЦ ANCAN
Submitted: | Oct 1, 1990 |
Published print: | Jan 1, 1992 |
Web of science: | WOS:A1992JP32300004 |
Elibrary: | 30598307 |
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