Evidence for the Participation of the α-Form of Oxygen in the Oxidation of Benzene into Phenol on Fe-ZSM-5 Zeolite Full article
Journal |
Kinetics and Catalysis
ISSN: 0023-1584 , E-ISSN: 1608-3210 |
Output data | Year: 1994, Volume: 35, Number: 2, Pages: 270-271 Pages count : 2 | ||
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Affiliations |
The reaction of benzene with an α-form of oxygen formed at the surface of Fe-ZSM-5 upon N2O decomposition is studied. This reaction is shown to proceed at room temperature yielding phenol quantitatively.
Kharitonov A.S.
, Aleksandrova T.N.
, Panov G.I.
, Sobolev V.I.
, Sheveleva G.A.
, Paukshtis E.A.
Evidence for the Participation of the α-Form of Oxygen in the Oxidation of Benzene into Phenol on Fe-ZSM-5 Zeolite
Kinetics and Catalysis. 1994. V.35. N2. P.270-271. WOS РИНЦ
Evidence for the Participation of the α-Form of Oxygen in the Oxidation of Benzene into Phenol on Fe-ZSM-5 Zeolite
Kinetics and Catalysis. 1994. V.35. N2. P.270-271. WOS РИНЦ
Харитонов А.С.
, Александрова Т.Н.
, Панов Г.И.
, Соболев В.И.
, Шевелева Г.А.
, Паукштис Е.А.
Экспериментальное доказательство участия α-формы кислорода в реакции окисления бензола в фенол на цеолите Fe-ZSM-5
Кинетика и катализ. 1994. Т.35. №2. С.296-298. РИНЦ ANCAN
Экспериментальное доказательство участия α-формы кислорода в реакции окисления бензола в фенол на цеолите Fe-ZSM-5
Кинетика и катализ. 1994. Т.35. №2. С.296-298. РИНЦ ANCAN
Submitted: | Dec 7, 1992 |
Web of science: | WOS:A1994NN78600023 |
Elibrary: | 28816609 |