New Possibility for Investigation of Supported Pt/MgAlOx Catalysts by XPS with Use of Monochromatic AgLα Irradiation Conference Abstracts
Conference |
EuropaCat-XII: 12th European Congress on Catalysis “Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources” 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2015 , Казань |
Source | EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts Compilation, BIC SB RAS. Novosibirsk.2015. 2184 c. ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. РИНЦ |
Output data | Year: 2015, Pages: 815-816 Pages count : 2 | ||||||
Authors |
Affiliations |
Funding (1)
1 | Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation | НШ-5340.2014.3 |
The capabilities of XPS to study heterogeneous catalysts are severely restricted for supported Pt/MgAlOx catalysts. When XPS spectra from these catalysts are taken with the standard AlKα or MgKα irradiations, the Pt4f doublet line is masked by a strong Al2p line as well as by the additive lines-satellites from Mg2s line. A possible solution of this problem could be the use of AgLα irradiation with the photon energy of 2984.3 eV for excitation of Pt3d5/2 and Al1s lines. AgLa irradiation is an useful tool for investigation of supported Pt-alumina catalysts. The values of Pt3d5/2 binding energy can be used for determination of the oxidation state of platinum in supported Pt/MgAlOx catalysts and other systems containing both platinum and aluminum.
Nizovskii A.I.
, Kalinkin A.V.
, Smirnov M.Y.
, Belskaya O.B.
, Bukhtiyarov V.I.
New Possibility for Investigation of Supported Pt/MgAlOx Catalysts by XPS with Use of Monochromatic AgLα Irradiation
In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.815-816. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7.
New Possibility for Investigation of Supported Pt/MgAlOx Catalysts by XPS with Use of Monochromatic AgLα Irradiation
In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.815-816. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7.
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