The Oxygen Electroreduction Reaction Performance of Pt/C Catalysts Based On Nanostructured Carbon Supports: From the RDE to the PEMFC Studies Conference Abstracts
Conference |
EuropaCat-XII: 12th European Congress on Catalysis “Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources” 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2015 , Казань |
Source | EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts Compilation, BIC SB RAS. Novosibirsk.2015. 2184 c. ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. РИНЦ |
Output data | Year: 2015, Article number : III-PP64, Pages count : 2 | ||||||
Authors |
Affiliations |
Funding (2)
1 | Russian Foundation for Basic Research | 13-03-01023 |
2 | The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation |
In this paper, a series of Pt/C catalysts based on initial and modified nanostructured carbon supports (carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers) with a platinum content of 20 and 40 wt. % was synthesized. The catalysts were investigated by TEM, CO chemisorption and electrochemical methods (electrooxidation of CO, the method of impedance spectroscopy). The activity of catalysts in the oxygen electroreduction reaction (ORR) were obtained by rotating disk electrode in a 10 - 35 oC temperature range using 0.1 M HClO4 electrolyte solution and in an oxygen-hydrogen fuel cell at 80 oC. It is shown that the use of the carbon nanotubes allows to improve significantly the catalyst performance in both electrochemical and fuel cells. The paper discusses the influence of pore structure and morphology of carbon supports on the properties of Pt/C catalysts and their performance in the ORR.
Gribov E.N.
, Kuznetsov A.N.
, Golovin V.A.
, Voropaev I.N.
, Kuznetsov V.L.
, Okunev A.G.
The Oxygen Electroreduction Reaction Performance of Pt/C Catalysts Based On Nanostructured Carbon Supports: From the RDE to the PEMFC Studies
In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.1145-1146. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7.
The Oxygen Electroreduction Reaction Performance of Pt/C Catalysts Based On Nanostructured Carbon Supports: From the RDE to the PEMFC Studies
In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.1145-1146. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7.
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