Synthesis of Chiral Organophosphorous Ligands Based on Methyl 3,4-O-Isopropylidene-L-threonate Conference Abstracts
Conference |
Catalysis on the eve of the XXI century: science and engineering : 2nd International Memorial G.K. Boreskov Conference 07-11 Jul 1997 , Novosibirsk |
Source | Catalysis on the Eve of the XXI Century. Science and Engineering: II International Memorial G.K. Boreskov Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 7-11, 1997: Abstracts. Part II. Poster Session
Катализ в превращениях угля. 3-й международный симпозиум, посвящённый памяти Г.К. Борескова, Новосибирск, 10-13 июля, 1997 : сборник трудов в 2 ч Compilation, 1997. 477 c. РИНЦ |
Output data | Year: 1997, Article number : PPI-70, Pages count : 2 | ||
Authors |
Affiliations |
Funding (3)
1 | Russian Foundation for Basic Research | 95-03-08517 |
2 | Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS | 3.6.90 |
3 | Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS | 5.4.60 |
Tolstikov A.G.
, Khlebnikova T.B.
, Amosov Y.I.
, Tolstikova O.V.
, Zakharova I.V.
Synthesis of Chiral Organophosphorous Ligands Based on Methyl 3,4-O-Isopropylidene-L-threonate
In compilation Catalysis on the Eve of the XXI Century. Science and Engineering: II International Memorial G.K. Boreskov Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 7-11, 1997: Abstracts. Part II. Poster Session Катализ в превращениях угля. 3-й международный симпозиум, посвящённый памяти Г.К. Борескова, Новосибирск, 10-13 июля, 1997 : сборник трудов в 2 ч. 1997. – C.143-144.
Synthesis of Chiral Organophosphorous Ligands Based on Methyl 3,4-O-Isopropylidene-L-threonate
In compilation Catalysis on the Eve of the XXI Century. Science and Engineering: II International Memorial G.K. Boreskov Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 7-11, 1997: Abstracts. Part II. Poster Session Катализ в превращениях угля. 3-й международный симпозиум, посвящённый памяти Г.К. Борескова, Новосибирск, 10-13 июля, 1997 : сборник трудов в 2 ч. 1997. – C.143-144.
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