The Role of Coagulation Process in the Evolution of the Gravitational Instability in the Gas-Dust Protoplanetary Disks Тезисы доклада
Конференция |
Biosphere Origin and Evolution : II International conference 28 окт. - 2 нояб. 2007 , Loutraki |
Сборник | II International conference "Biosphere Origin and Evolution", Loutraki, Greece, 2007 Сборник, ИК СО РАН. Новосибирск.2007. 272 c. |
Вых. Данные | Год: 2007, Номер статьи : PP-37, Страниц : 1 | ||||
Авторы |
Организации |
Библиографическая ссылка:
Markelova T.V.
The Role of Coagulation Process in the Evolution of the Gravitational Instability in the Gas-Dust Protoplanetary Disks
В сборнике II International conference "Biosphere Origin and Evolution", Loutraki, Greece, 2007. – ИК СО РАН., 2007. – C.156.
The Role of Coagulation Process in the Evolution of the Gravitational Instability in the Gas-Dust Protoplanetary Disks
В сборнике II International conference "Biosphere Origin and Evolution", Loutraki, Greece, 2007. – ИК СО РАН., 2007. – C.156.
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