New Generation of Water Gas Shift Reaction Catalysts – Porous Ceramometals Cu(Fe)AlO/Cu(Fe)Al Тезисы доклада
Конференция |
2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment 06-08 дек. 2020 , Online |
Сборник | 2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment Сборник, 2020. |
Вых. Данные | Год: 2020, Номер статьи : ISWEE-MS-1098, Страниц : 1 | ||||
Авторы |
Организации |
Информация о финансировании (2)
1 | Белорусский республиканский фонд фундаментальных исследований | X18P-100 |
2 | Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований | 20-53-00003 |
Abstract. Decreasing the size of the reactors for the synthesis gas conditioning (water gas shift reaction, and CO removal) makes an appeal to the researches due to the need in compact generators of pure hydrogen for fuel cell applications. So, a rather small scale reactor with optimal productivity related to a reactor volume is needed. For these purpose a Ceramometals possessing enhanced thermal conductivity and activitu comparing to conventional oxide catalyst are promising. Porous ceramometals were synthesized by mechanochemical alloying of a powdered mixtures of Cu (Fe) + Al followed by hydrothermal treatment and heat treatment in air. These composite catalysts possess the egg-shell microstructure: the metallic cores consisting of copper, iron and aluminum alloys are surrounded by mixed Cu, Fe, Al oxide matrix. Catalytic, mechanical, textural and thermophysical properties of ceramometals were studied and compared with the conventional oxide Cu-Zn-Al catalyst. Also, real structure was studied by means XRD, NMR, SEM with mapping, and XPS of porous ceramometals. It was found that variation of specific activityof ceramometals is related to amount of crystalline Al4Cu9. The incorporation of oxide Cu-Zn-Al powder into ceramometal skeleton leads to big increase of activity of ceramometals. As a result, ceramometal catalyst twice outperform the oxide ones due to much higher specific activity of small fraction and, additively, much lower diffusion limitation of granules due to developed macropore structure. High density and thermal conductivity make ceramometal catalysts promising for compact devices for the production of hydrogen. This work was funded by RFBR and BRFFR according to the research projects № 20-53-00009 Bel_a and Х18Р-100. ISWEE 2020 Online
Библиографическая ссылка:
Tikhov S.F.
, Minyukova T.P.
, Valeev K.R.
, Smorygo O.N.
, Mikutski V.A.
, Roman O.V.
New Generation of Water Gas Shift Reaction Catalysts – Porous Ceramometals Cu(Fe)AlO/Cu(Fe)Al
В сборнике 2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment. 2020. – C.55.
New Generation of Water Gas Shift Reaction Catalysts – Porous Ceramometals Cu(Fe)AlO/Cu(Fe)Al
В сборнике 2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment. 2020. – C.55.
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