The Synchrotron Radiation Technological Station as a Base for Training of Scientific Staff for New Synchrotron Radiation Sources Тезисы доклада
Конференция |
International Conference on Electron, Positron, Neutron and X – ray Scattering under External Influences 18-24 окт. 2021 , Yerevan |
Сборник | International Conference on Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-ray Scattering under External Influences Сборник, IAPP NAS RA. Yerevan.2021. 109 c. ISBN 9789939113388. РИНЦ |
Вых. Данные | Год: 2021, Страницы: 33 Страниц : 1 | ||||||
Авторы |
Организации |
A unique project is under way in Novosibirsk state to create a scientific facility. The so-called "SKIF" (4+ generation Syberian Ring Photon Source) will be a shared-use mega-science centre. A major challenge for this project represents to develop the human resources that will realize the investigative capacity from a ultra-small emmitance source of synchrotron radiation. There is an opportunity to establish up to 30 experimental stations on storage ring of "SKIF" thanks to its magnetic structure. That is why we have to form highly professional groups with wide competence in the creation and operation of the facility. Practical training of specialists is already under way using experimental stations of VEPP-3 and VEPP-4 storage rings located in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It should be stressed that the two facilities operate in different modes and synchrotron radiation experiments represent only 25 percent of the facility’s total operating time. As a result, we have limited capacity to educate people. A special synchrotron radiation technological station was established at the first beamline of VEPP-4 storage ring. Its purpose is to train university students in synchrotron research techniques and equipment testing. Novosibirsk universitys students participate in the establishment and development of this station and its techniques. The modular concept of the station allows its gradual introduction and implementation of various methods. This article describes the design, radiation properties, automatic control system and first experiments in X-ray fluorescence analysis. The work was done at the shared research center SSTRC on the basis of the VEPP-4 - VEPP-2000 complex at BINP SB RAS.
Библиографическая ссылка:
Goldenberg B.G.
, Sklyarov A.N.
The Synchrotron Radiation Technological Station as a Base for Training of Scientific Staff for New Synchrotron Radiation Sources
В сборнике International Conference on Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-ray Scattering under External Influences. – IAPP NAS RA., 2021. – C.33. – ISBN 9789939113388. РИНЦ
The Synchrotron Radiation Technological Station as a Base for Training of Scientific Staff for New Synchrotron Radiation Sources
В сборнике International Conference on Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-ray Scattering under External Influences. – IAPP NAS RA., 2021. – C.33. – ISBN 9789939113388. РИНЦ
Опубликована в печати: | 18 окт. 2021 г. |
Идентификаторы БД:
РИНЦ: | 47283828 |
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