Generation of Near-Infrared Radiation Harmonics Based on Regular Polymer Matrices with Cone and Cylindrical Pore Geometry and Coatings Applied on Them Тезисы доклада
Конференция |
International Conference "Synchrotron and Free electron laser Radiation: generation and application" 27-30 июн. 2022 , Novosibirsk |
Сборник | Book of abstracts of International Conference "Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application" Сборник, ИЯФ СО РАН. Новосибирск.2022. 132 c. ISBN 9785904968083. РИНЦ |
Вых. Данные | Год: 2022, Страницы: 66 Страниц : 1 | ||||||||
Авторы |
Организации |
Thin commercially available films of such material as polyethylene terephthalate are characterized by high values of mechanical strength, high chemical and thermal and radiation resistance, has high transparency in the visible and near-infrared range of the spectrum. Such films are promising for recording by microlithography methods with high density of information and its long-term storage. Recording of information can be carried out by deep X-ray lithography. For this purpose, the sensitivity of the material with respect to the dose of absorbed radiation and the rate of removal of the irradiated material from the surface of the original film was studied in this work, resulting in a complex dependence of the removal selectivity on the concentration of alkali as a reagent. The resulting relief has the character of a developed regular volumetric microstructure. Thus, regular polymer matrices with cone and cylindrical pore geometry were obtained. Metallic and dielectric cone microstructures were obtained using such matrices. The height of the synthesized
microstructures ranged from tens to fractions of microns with a repeatability period of 3 μm. Theoretical and experimental studies of harmonic generation efficiency in the interaction of femtosecond near IR laser radiation with synthesized metallic pointed structures under conditions of plasmon resonance excitation were carried out. It is shown that irradiation by intense femtosecond laser pulses of a periodic in two dimensions microstructured metal target with a thin film metal coating allows the creation of an anisotropic nanostructure on the surface. Formation of the surface
nanostructure leads to an increase in the efficiency of radiation generation at the second harmonic frequency in the reflection geometry. An installation for optical study of microstructured materials on the process of the efficiency formation second harmonic from high-frequency femtosecond infrared radiation in the "on reflection" scheme with the possibility of automated framing of the surface and volume of samples was developed and created. A method of diagnosing the morphology of a target based on the study of the second harmonic generation efficiency process in
the "backward" geometry in the mode of continuous measurement of spectra has been developed. The developed technique was tested on a high frequency near-infrared femtosecond laser radiation. The reported study was partially funded by the RFBR research projects 18-29-20090 in terms of obtaining regular membranes and considering the possibility of their applicability for solving photonics problems and by RFBR research projects 18-02-00528 in terms of developing algorithms for solving the diffraction problem on surface nano- and microstructures, writing programs
implementing these algorithms and carrying out mathematical modeling.
Библиографическая ссылка:
Asadchikov V.
, Nazmov V.
, Goldenberg B.
, Konovko A.
, Vasiliev A.
, Grigoriev Y.
, Bedin S.
, Epifanov E.
, Dyachkova I.
Generation of Near-Infrared Radiation Harmonics Based on Regular Polymer Matrices with Cone and Cylindrical Pore Geometry and Coatings Applied on Them
В сборнике Book of abstracts of International Conference "Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application". – ИЯФ СО РАН., 2022. – C.66. – ISBN 9785904968083.
Generation of Near-Infrared Radiation Harmonics Based on Regular Polymer Matrices with Cone and Cylindrical Pore Geometry and Coatings Applied on Them
В сборнике Book of abstracts of International Conference "Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Application". – ИЯФ СО РАН., 2022. – C.66. – ISBN 9785904968083.
Принята к публикации: | 20 июн. 2022 г. |
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