Undulator Phase Error Compensation Method by Corrective Currents Тезисы доклада
Конференция |
Международная конференция "XXVIII Российская конференция по ускорителям заряженных частиц" 11-15 сент. 2023 , Новосибирск |
Сборник | XXVIII Российская конференция по ускорителям заряженных частиц (RuPAC’23). Тезисы докладов Сборник, ИЯФ СО РАН. Новосибирск.2023. 184 c. РИНЦ |
Вых. Данные | Год: 2023, Страницы: 2-3 Страниц : 1 | ||
Авторы |
Организации |
A method for correcting the magnetic field for a superconducting undulator with neutral poles manufactured at the INP is described, as well as a mathematical apparatus that calculates the currents of the additional power supply for correcting the magnetic field. To correct the field and orbit inside the undulator, the main windings of the undulator are used, grouped into separate groups and powered by additional currents. This correction scheme was tested, as well as a comparison of theoretical and experimental data of the measured magnetic field and calculated phase errors. The spectra of synchrotron radiation before and after correction were calculated using the SPECTRA program.
Библиографическая ссылка:
Kanonik P.
, Shkaruba V.
, Volkov A.
, Erokhin A.
, Zorin A.
, Kazantsev F.
, Mezentsev N.
, Tarasenko O.
, Khrushchev S.
, Tsukanov V.
, Gusev E.
Undulator Phase Error Compensation Method by Corrective Currents
В сборнике XXVIII Российская конференция по ускорителям заряженных частиц (RuPAC’23). Тезисы докладов. – ИЯФ СО РАН., 2023. – C.2-3.
Undulator Phase Error Compensation Method by Corrective Currents
В сборнике XXVIII Российская конференция по ускорителям заряженных частиц (RuPAC’23). Тезисы докладов. – ИЯФ СО РАН., 2023. – C.2-3.
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