The Effect of Electron Beam Sintering on The Structural and Transport Properties of Materials for Membrane Catalytic Reactors Conference attendances
Language | Английский | ||
Participant type | Ключевой | ||
Conference |
The 4th Int'l Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Synthesis 19-21 Jul 2024 , Xi’an |
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Due to the growing consumption of electricity by mankind, the limited supply of natural traditional energy sources and the need to protect the environment in modern energy, increasing attention is being paid to the search for highly efficient and environmentally friendly energy production technologies. Among such technologies, the most promising are SOFC-based power sources using hydrogen or natural gas as fuel, and catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen production. Therefore, the development of cheap ways to produce functional ceramics for these devices has become an urgent trend in the last decade. Cermet composites with high mixed proton-electron conductivity have a great potential for use in catalytic membrane reactors, as they meet the requirements of high thermal and mechanical strength along with chemical stability in working environments. The metal phase increases the electronic conductivity and reactivity in surface hydrogen exchange processes, while the ceramic phase, in addition to ionic conductivity, contributes to the mechanical strength of the composite. In order to obtain durable gas-dense ceramics used to produce membranes, in addition to traditional sintering in a furnace, the use of radiation-thermal sintering is attractive, which significantly reduces the temperature and processing time. This is due to the peculiarities of the interaction of electron beams and solid materials, such as energy dissipation and the effect of radiation-stimulated diffusion. Samples of orthoniobates, tungstates and scandates of lanthanides and NiCu alloys were synthesized by the modified Pechini method, as well as by the method of mechanochemical activation. The powders of the initial oxides and the resulting composites were pressed into tablets with subsequent heat treatment by both traditional and radiation-thermal sintering using an electron beam at a temperature of 700-1300 ° C in air. It was found that for all samples of both the initial oxides and composites, the density of samples sintered by electron beam heating is higher than the density of samples obtained by traditional thermal heating. According to the XRD data, after sintering, the main phases of LaNb0.8Mo0.2O4 scheelite, La0.96Sr0.04ScO3 perovskite and Nd5.5(Mo,W)O11.25-δ fluorite were observed in the composites. After radiation-heat treatment, there is no chemical interaction between the alloy and mixed oxide particles. To create a catalytic membrane reactor, structured catalysts based on FeCrAl plates with active components comprised of Ni and Ru doped PrSmCeZrO fluorite sintered by electron beams after coating from suspensions were prepared. For the first time new results on sintering of different materials by e-beams were obtained. Characterization of their structural, morphological, transport and catalytic properties by physicochemical methods and their testing in respective devices will allow to expand the area of their application.
Bespalko Y.
The Effect of Electron Beam Sintering on The Structural and Transport Properties of Materials for Membrane Catalytic Reactors
The 4th Int'l Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Synthesis 19-21 Jul 2024
The Effect of Electron Beam Sintering on The Structural and Transport Properties of Materials for Membrane Catalytic Reactors
The 4th Int'l Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Synthesis 19-21 Jul 2024