IR Spectroscopic Study of the Mechanism of Deep Oxidation of 2-Propanol on Cupric Oxide under Catalytic Reaction conditions Full article
Journal |
Kinetics and Catalysis
ISSN: 0023-1584 , E-ISSN: 1608-3210 |
Output data | Year: 1992, Volume: 33, Number: 1, Pages: 107-113 Pages count : 7 | ||
Authors |
Affiliations |
The spectrokinetic method was used to study surface compounds and the kinetics of their conversion, to establish the structure of intermediate surface forms and the sequence of their conversions, and to determine kinetic parameters of the individual steps. It was shown that under the conditions of a catalytic reaction a successive chain of conversions of surface structures is realized: isopropylate ---- --> adsorbed acetone structures --- --> carboxylate + formate ---- --> carbon dioxide, with the step of oxidation of carboxylate structures being the limiting step.
Dobrynkin N.M.
, Davydov A.A.
, Budneva A.A.
, Popovskii V.V.
, Rogov V.A.
, Serebryakov V.F.
IR Spectroscopic Study of the Mechanism of Deep Oxidation of 2-Propanol on Cupric Oxide under Catalytic Reaction conditions
Kinetics and Catalysis. 1992. V.33. N1. P.107-113. WOS РИНЦ
IR Spectroscopic Study of the Mechanism of Deep Oxidation of 2-Propanol on Cupric Oxide under Catalytic Reaction conditions
Kinetics and Catalysis. 1992. V.33. N1. P.107-113. WOS РИНЦ
Добрынкин Н.М.
, Давыдов А.А.
, Буднева А.А.
, Поповский В.В.
, Рогов В.А.
, Серебряков В.Ф.
ИК-спектроскопическое исследование механизма глубокого окисления пропанола-2 на оксиде меди в условиях осуществления каталитической реакции
Кинетика и катализ. 1992. Т.33. №1. С.133-141. РИНЦ ANCAN
ИК-спектроскопическое исследование механизма глубокого окисления пропанола-2 на оксиде меди в условиях осуществления каталитической реакции
Кинетика и катализ. 1992. Т.33. №1. С.133-141. РИНЦ ANCAN
Submitted: | Jan 2, 1990 |
Published print: | Jan 1, 1992 |
Web of science: | WOS:A1992JP32300001 |
Elibrary: | 30598186 |
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