Formation of the Pt(O)/Si(Ca)O2 Nanofibers upon the Reaction of Platinum Aerosol Particles with a Calcium- and Silicon-Containing Material Тезисы доклада
Конференция |
XVII International Conference on Chemical Reactors 15-19 мая 2006 , Athens-Crete |
Сборник | XVII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-17), Athens-Crete, Greece, May 15-19, 2006 Сборник, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis. Новосибирск.2006. 758 c. РИНЦ |
Вых. Данные | Год: 2006, Номер статьи : PP-24, Страниц : 4 | ||
Авторы |
Организации |
The high-temperature oxidation of ammonia carried out on platinum gauzes under pressure [1] is accompanied by platinum evaporation and mechanical entrainment as aerosol particles. To reduce the irretrievable loss of platinum, its particles are trapped, in particular, by mounting a granular layer of refractory calcium oxide. The reaction of platinum and platinum oxide vapors with CaO yields compounds like CaO PtO2, 3CaO PtO2, etc. A macroscopic study of the surface of calcium oxide grains after trapping has shown that Pt particles are located on the surface of the oxide grains and almost do not penetrate inside the grains. To increase the efficiency of using CaO by increasing its surface area, it was proposed [2] to apply CaO on a high-temperature silicon-containing material (glass fabric). In this work, we studied the interaction between platinum aerosol particles formed upon the oxidation of ammonia on a platinum catalyst and calcium oxide supported on a hightemperature silicon-containing material (glass fabric) at about 900 C.
Библиографическая ссылка:
Ivanova A.S.
, Slavinskaya E.M.
, Zaikovskii V.I.
, Polukhina I.N.
, Chub O.V.
, Noskov A.S.
Formation of the Pt(O)/Si(Ca)O2 Nanofibers upon the Reaction of Platinum Aerosol Particles with a Calcium- and Silicon-Containing Material
В сборнике XVII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-17), Athens-Crete, Greece, May 15-19, 2006. – Boreskov Institute of Catalysis., 2006. – C.380-383.
Formation of the Pt(O)/Si(Ca)O2 Nanofibers upon the Reaction of Platinum Aerosol Particles with a Calcium- and Silicon-Containing Material
В сборнике XVII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-17), Athens-Crete, Greece, May 15-19, 2006. – Boreskov Institute of Catalysis., 2006. – C.380-383.
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