Science activity
Articles (16) More info
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Makolkin N.V.
, Suknev A.P.
, Sadovskaya E.M.
, Yatsenko D.A.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Panafidin M.A.
, Derevschikov V.S.
CO2 Methanation on Ni/Y2O3 Catalysts: The Effects of Preparation Procedure and Cerium Oxide Promotion Chemical Engineering Science. 2025. V.301. 120672 :1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120672 WOS Scopus ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Mukhacheva P.P.
, Kruglyakov V.Y.
, Vatutina Y.V.
, Nadeina K.A.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Dubinin Y.V.
, Klimov O.V.
, Noskov A.S.
Control of Structural-Mechanical Properties of Pseudoboehmite Pastes by Changing the Plasticizing Agent Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2024. V.97. N8. P.655-666. DOI: 10.1134/s1070427224080044 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
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Derevschikov V.S.
, Kuznetsov V.L.
, Veselovskaya J.V.
, Moseenkov S.I.
, Yatsenko D.A.
, Suknev A.P.
, Leonova A.A.
, Makolkin N.V.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
Composite Sorbents Based on Carbon Nanotubes and K2CO3 for CO2 Capture From Ambient Air Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2023. V.62. N47. P.20340–20351. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c02055 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
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Shinkevich K.S.
, Kukushkin R.G.
, Bulavchenko O.A.
, Zaikina O.O.
, Alekseeva M.V.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Yakovlev V.A.
Influence of the Support on Activity and Stability of Ni and Ni-Mo Catalysts in the Hydroprocessing of Fatty Acids into Motor Fuels Components Applied Catalysis A: General. 2022. V.644. 118801 :1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2022.118801 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Kukushkin R.G.
, Dubinin Y.V.
, Yazykov N.A.
, Yakovlev V.A.
Development of Novel Approaches in Material Attrition Studies for Hard Ceramic Applications Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2022. V.188. P.541-544. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2022.10.016 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
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Derevschikov V.S.
, Kukushkin R.G.
, Yatsenko D.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Shinkevich K.S.
, Glazneva T.S.
, Yakovlev V.A.
Study of the Impact of Y2O3 Support Synthesis on Carbon Dioxide Methanation Catalyst Applications Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2022. V.61. N43. P.15810-15819. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c01813 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
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Bonnefont A.
, Ruvinskiy P.
, Rouhet M.
, Orfanidi A.
, Neophytides S.
Advanced Catalytic Layer Architectures for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment (WIREs Energy and Environment ). 2014. V.3. N5. P.505-521. DOI: 10.1002/wene.110 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.
, Barsukov I.V.
, Mashtalir O.
, Reid C.M.
, Wu J.J.
, Gogotsi Y.
Nano-Silicon Containing Composite Graphitic Anodes with Improved Cycling Stability for Application in High Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2013. V.2. N10. P.M3028-M3033. DOI: 10.1149/2.006310jss WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Bonnefont A.
, Savinova E.R.
3D-ordered Layers of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofilaments as a Model Approach to Study Electrocatalysis on Nanomaterials Electrochimica Acta. 2012. V.84. P.174-186. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2012.03.134 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Bonnefont A.
, Savinova E.R.
Further Insight into the Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Pt Nanoparticles Supported on Spatially Structured Catalytic Layers Electrocatalysis. 2011. V.2. N2. P.123-133. DOI: 10.1007/s12678-011-0046-1 WOS Scopus ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Bonnefont A.
, Pham-Huu C.
, Savinova E.R.
Using Ordered Carbon Nanomaterials for Shedding Light on the Mechanism of the Cathodic Oxygen Reduction Reaction Langmuir. 2011. V.27. N14. P.9018-9027. DOI: 10.1021/la2006343 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.
, Rouhet M.
, Bonnefont A.
, Friedrich K.A.
, Pham-Huu C.
, Savinova E.R.
Cathode Materials for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Based on Vertically Aligned Carbon Filaments ECS Transactions. 2011. V.41. N1. P.1089-1097. DOI: 10.1149/1.3635641 WOS Scopus ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Pronkin S.N.
, Bonnefont A.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Savinova E.R.
Hydrogen Oxidation Kinetics on Model Pd/C Electrodes: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Rotating Disk Electrode Study Electrochimica Acta. 2010. V.55. N9. P.3312-3323. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2010.01.060 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Bonnefont A.
, Houllé M.
, Pham-Huu C.
, Savinova E.R.
Preparation, Testing and Modeling of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Catalytic Layers for Electrocatalysis of Fuel Cell Reactions Electrochimica Acta. 2010. V.55. N9. P.3245-3256. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2010.01.033 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Bonnefont A.
, Bayati M.
, Savinova E.R.
Mass Transport Effects in CO Bulk Electrooxidation on Pt Nanoparticles Supported on Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofilaments PCCP: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2010. V.12. N46. P.15207–15216. DOI: 10.1039/c0cp00593b WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
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Ruvinsky P.S.
, Pronkin S.N.
, Zaikovskii V.I.
, Bernhardt P.
, Savinova E.R.
On the Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Pd Overlayers on Carbon-Supported Gold Particles in Hydrogen Electrooxidation PCCP: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2008. V.10. N44. P.6665-6676. DOI: 10.1039/b803703e WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
Conference theses (2) More info
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Alexandrova D.V.
, Derevschikov V.S.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Yakovlev V.A.
Technology Development for a Domestic Production of High Purity Alumina In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry : Proceedings of VII International scientific school-conference for young scientists. – ТГУ., 2022. – C.49. – ISBN 9785907572263. |
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Savinova E.R.
, Rouhet M.
, Ruvinskiy P.S.
, Pham-Huu C.
, Bonnefont A.
, Friedrich K.A.
Cathode Materials for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Based on Vertically Aligned Carbon Filaments ECS Meeting Abstracts. 2011. V.MA2011-02. N16. P.1200. |
Conference attendances (4) More info
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Aleksandrova D.
, Derevshhikov V.S.
, Ruvinskiy P.
, Yakovlev V.A.
Technology Development for a Domestic Production of High Purity Alumina Catalysis: from Science to Industry : VII International School-Conference for Young Scientists 11-15 Oct 2022 |
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Ruvinskiy P.
The Impact of Hydro-Carbon on TWC Evaluation Annual Symposium of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York 07-07 Mar 2018 |
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Savinova E.R.
, Rouhet M.
, Ruvinskiy P.
, Pham-Huu C.
, Bonnefont A.
, Friedrich K.
Cathode Materials for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Based on Vertically Aligned Carbon Filaments 220th ECS Meeting 09-14 Oct 2011 |
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Savinova E.R.
, Houllé M.
, Pham-Huu C.
, Ruvinskiy P.
, Simonov P.A.
Carbon Materials as Supports for Electrocatalysis Recent Advances in Electrochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry : 7th Spring Meeting of the International Society of the Electrochemistry 22-25 Mar 2008 |
Patents (4) More info
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Performance Enhancement of a Catalyst via Exhaust Gas Hydrogen Enrichment Number: WO2022055852A1A1, , Request number PCT/US2021/049240 from Sep 7, 2021 ANCAN |
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Performance Enhancement of a Platinum-Containing Catalyst via Exhaust Gas Hydrogen Enrichment Number: WO2022055855A1, , Request number PCT/US2021/049246 from Sep 7, 2021 ANCAN |
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Ruvinskiy P.
Catalyst Article for Capturing Particulate Matter Number: WO2021126685A1, действие с Dec 11, 2020, Request number 2020US64464 from Dec 11, 2020 ANCAN |
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Deeba M.
, Sun Y.
, Luo T.
, Leung E.
, Ruvinskiy P.
, Dang D.
Layered automotive catalyst composites Number: US10,512,898B2, , Request number 15/738,858 from Jun 24, 2016 ANCAN |