Science activity
Articles (2) More info
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Kibis L.S.
, Krotova A.I.
, Fedorova E.A.
, Kardash T.Y.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Svetlichnyi V.A.
, Slavinskaya E.M.
, Boronin A.I.
Preparation of Model Rh–CeO2 Catalysts by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2023. V.64. N11. P.2187-2199. DOI: 10.1134/s0022476623110161 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
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Kibis L.S.
, Krotova A.I.
, Zaikovskii V.I.
, Boronin A.I.
The Activity and Thermal Stability of RhOx/CeO2 Nanocomposites Prepared by Radio-Frequency Plasma Sputtering Surface and Interface Analysis. 2020. V.52. N12. P.818-822. DOI: 10.1002/sia.6879 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
Conference theses (2) More info
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Kibis L.S.
, Krotova A.I.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Fedorova E.A.
, Slavinskaya E.M.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Svetlichnyi V.A.
, Boronin A.I.
Rh-Doped CeO2 Catalytic Systems for Low-Temperature NO Reduction In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceeding of VI international scientific school-conference for young scientists. – Ivan Fedorov., 2020. – C.81. – ISBN 9785917011455. РИНЦ |
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Krotova A.I.
, Kibis L.S.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Fedorova E.A.
, Slavinskaya E.M.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Boronin A.I.
XPS Study of Rh-CeO2 Catalysts under CO+NO Treatments In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceeding of VI international scientific school-conference for young scientists. – Ivan Fedorov., 2020. – C.92. – ISBN 9785917011455. |
Conference attendances (2) More info
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Kibis L.S.
, Krotova A.I.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Fedorova E.A.
, Slavinskaya E.M.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Svetlichnyi V.A.
, Boronin A.I.
Rh-Doped CeO2 Catalytic Systems for Low-Temperature NO Reduction VI International School-Conference for Young Scientists "Catalysis: From Science to Industry" 06-10 Oct 2020 |
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Krotova A.I.
, Kibis L.S.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Fedorova E.D.
, Slavinskaya E.M.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Boronin A.I.
XPS Study of Rh-CeO2 Catalysts under CO+NO Treatments VI International School-Conference for Young Scientists "Catalysis: From Science to Industry" 06-10 Oct 2020 |