Science activity
Articles (77) More info
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Matus E.
, Salnikov A.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Tailakov O.V.
, Khairulin S.R.
Coal Mine Methane Utilization: Environmental Friendly Catalytic Technology for Sustainable Development Energy, Ecology and Environment. 2025. DOI: 10.1007/s40974-024-00352-6 Scopus OpenAlex |
2 |
Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Larina T.V.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Li L.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production from Methane with CO2 Utilization over Exsolution Derived Bimetallic NiCu/CeO2 Catalysts Catalysis Letters. 2024. V.154. P.2197–2210. DOI: 10.1007/s10562-023-04454-4 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
3 |
Matus Е.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Promising Directions in Chemical Processing of Methane from Coal Industry. Part 3. Catalytic Tests Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2024. V.26. N1. P.3-14. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1559 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
4 |
Salnikov A.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Khairulin S.R.
Catalytic Processing of Coal Mine Methane into Hydrogen-Containing Gas: Influence of Tri-Reforming Process Conditions Chemistry for Sustainable Development. 2024. V.32. N3. P.384-392. DOI: 10.15372/CSD2024569 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
5 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Khairulin S.R.
Efficient Hydrogen Production by Combined Reforming of Methane over Perovskite-Derived Promoted Ni Catalysts Catalysis Letters. 2024. V.154. P.6359–6377. DOI: 10.1007/s10562-024-04805-9 WOS Scopus AN OpenAlex |
6 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Kapishnikov A.V.
, Leonova A.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, O. A. S.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
Comparative Study of Structural Properties of Bulk and Aluminum Oxide Supported Ce1–xNixOy Oxides Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2024. V.65. N9. P.1692-1706. DOI: 10.1134/S0022476624090026 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
7 |
Zhang X.
, Li G.
, Hong M.
, Ban H.
, Yang L.
, Liu X.
, Li F.
, Matus E.V.
, Li C.
, Li L.
Development of Nix/Mg1–x-MOF-74 for Highly Efficient CO2/N2 Separation Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 2024. V.52. N11. P.1745-1758. DOI: 10.1016/s1872-5813(24)60464-0 OpenAlex |
8 |
Matus Е.V.
, Tailakov O.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Salnikov A.V.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Khairulin S.R.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Promising Directions in Chemical Processing of Methane from Coal Industry. Part 4. Long-term stability test Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2024. V.26. N4. P.193-202. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1643 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
9 |
Goswami C.
, Borah B.J.
, Das R.
, Tada K.
, Tanaka S.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Bharali P.
CeO2 Promotes Electrocatalytic Formic Acid Oxidation of Pd-Based Alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. V.948. 169665 :1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.169665 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
10 |
Matus E.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov I.
, Nikitin A.
, Sozinov S.
, Ismagilov Z.
Hydrogen Production from Biogas: Development of an Efficient Nickel Catalyst by the Exsolution Approach Energies. 2023. V.16. N7. 2993 :1-21. DOI: 10.3390/en16072993 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
11 |
Matus Е.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Promising Directions in Chemical Processing of Methane from Coal Industry. Part 2. Development of Catalysts Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2023. V.25. N2. P.103-113. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1500 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
12 |
Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Development of Supported Nickel-Cerium Catalysts for Resource-Saving Conversion of Methane into Hydrogen-Containing Gas Chemistry for Sustainable Development. 2023. V.31. N5. P.552-560. DOI: 10.15372/CSD2023500 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
13 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Li L.
Catalytic Methods of Converting Carbon Dioxide into Useful Products to Reduce the Impact of Coal Generation on Global Climate Change Soviet Physics - Uspekhi (1918-1992), later Physics-Uspekhi. 2022. V.65. N11. P.1139-1154. DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.07.039084 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
14 |
Zhao H.
, Zhao N.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Li L.
, Xiao F.
Preparation and Modulation of Cu-BTC-(n)Br/MCFs with Water Stability and Its Application for CO2 Capture Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022. V.10. N3. 107564 :1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.107564 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
15 |
Matus Е.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mikhaylova E.S.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production from Coal Industry Methane Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2022. V.24. N2. P.69-91. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1320 WOS Scopus AN OpenAlex |
16 |
Matus Е.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane Over Impregnated Ni/CeO2 Catalysts: Effect of Sample Composition on Their Activity and Stability Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2022. V.24. N3. P.191-202. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1432 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
17 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Promising Directions in Chemical Processing of Methane from Coal Industry. Part 1. Thermodynamic Analysis Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2022. V.24. N3. P.203-214. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1433 WOS Scopus AN OpenAlex |
18 |
Matus E.
, Sukhova O.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov I.
, Yashnik S.
, Ushakov V.
, Stonkus O.
, Gerasimov E.
, Nikitin A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.
Hydrogen Production through Bi-Reforming of Methane: Improving Ni Catalyst Performance via an Exsolution Approach Catalysts. 2022. V.12. N12. 1493 :1-39. DOI: 10.3390/catal12121493 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
19 |
Sukhova O.B.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
Dimethyl Ether Transformations over Copper Chromite/Alumina Catalysts in the Packed Bed and Microstructured Reactors: 1. Deep Oxidation ![]() |
20 |
Zhao H.
, Zhao N.
, Wang Q.
, Li F.
, Wang F.
, Fan S.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Li L.
, Xiao F.
Adsorption Equilibrium and Kinetics of CO2 on Mesocellular Foams Modified HKUST-1: Experiment and Simulation Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2021. V.44. 101415 :1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2020.101415 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
21 |
Hazarika K.K.
, Yamada Y.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Bharali P.
Enhancing the Electrocatalytic Activity via Hybridization of Cu(I/II) Oxides with Co3O4 Towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions Journal of Power Sources. 2021. V.490. 229511 :1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.229511 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
22 |
Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Li L.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Bi-Reforming of Methane: Thermodynamic Equilibrium Analysis and Selection of Preferable Reaction Conditions ![]() |
23 |
Nechaeva T.S.
, Fedorova N.I.
, Matus E.V.
, Li L.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Sorption Methods for Capturing Carbon Dioxide by Various Sorbents ![]() |
24 |
Matus E.V.
, Efimova O.S.
, Popova A.N.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
The Optimization of Preparation Mode of Metal-Carbon Catalysts for Oxidative Desulfurization of Diesel Fractions ![]() |
25 |
Matras D.
, Vamvakeros A.
, Jacques S.D.M.
, di Michiel M.
, Middelkoop V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Cernik R.J.
, Beale A.M.
Multi-Length Scale 5D Diffraction Imaging of Ni–Pd/CeO2–ZrO2/Al2O3 Catalyst During Partial Oxidation of Methane ![]() |
26 |
Chutia B.
, Hussain N.
, Puzari P.
, Jampaiah D.
, Bhargava S.K.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Bharali P.
Unraveling the Role of CeO2 in Stabilization of Multivalent Mn Species on α-MnO2/Mn3O4/CeO2/C Surface for Enhanced Electrocatalysis Energy and Fuels. 2021. V.35. N13. P.10756-10769. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00785 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
27 |
Matus E.
, Sukhova O.
, Ismagilov I.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Stonkus O.
, Ismagilov Z.
Hydrogen Production through Autothermal Reforming of Ethanol: Enhancement of Ni Catalyst Performance via Promotion Energies. 2021. V.14. N16. 5176 :1-16. DOI: 10.3390/en14165176 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
28 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Vosmerikov A.V.
, Korobitsyna L.L.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Stepanov A.A.
, Mihaylova E.S.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Promoters for Improvement of the Catalyst Performance in Methane Valorization Processes Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2021. V.23. N3. P.147-168. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1099 Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
29 |
Matus Е.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Salnikov A.V.
, Khitsova L.M.
, Popova A.N.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Genesis and Properties of MOx/CNTs (M = Ce, Cu, Mo) Catalysts for Aerobic Oxidative Desulfurization of a Model Diesel Fuel Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. 2021. V.23. N4. P.267-275. DOI: 10.18321/ectj1130 WOS Scopus AN OpenAlex |
30 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Genesis and Structural Properties of (Ce1–xMx)0.8Ni0.2Oy (M = La, Mg) Oxides Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2020. V.61. N7. P.1080–1089. DOI: 10.1134/S0022476620070100 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
31 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production through Autothermal Reforming of CH4: Efficiency and Action Mode of Noble (M = Pt, Pd) and non-Noble (M = Re, Mo, Sn) Metal Additives in the Composition of Ni-M/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2/Al2O3 Catalysts International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020. V.45. N58. P.33352-33369. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.011 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
32 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Efimova O.S.
, Khitsova L.M.
, Popova A.N.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
The Development of Metal-Carbon Catalysts for Oxidative Desulfurization of Diesel Fractions ![]() |
33 |
Goswami C.
, Yamada Y.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Bharali P.
Elucidating the Role of Oxide–Oxide/Carbon Interfaces of CuOx–CeO2/C in Boosting Electrocatalytic Performance Langmuir. 2020. V.36. N49. P.15141-15152. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c02754 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN PMID OpenAlex |
34 |
Matus Е.V.
, Vasil’ev S.D.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.А.
, Kerzhentsev М.А.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Development of Supported Ni Catalysts for Autothermal Reforming of Methane Chemistry for Sustainable Development. 2020. V.28. N4. P.403–411. DOI: 10.15372/CSD2020246 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
35 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
Hydrogen Production Through Hydrocarbon Fuel Reforming Processes over Ni Based Catalysts Catalysis Today. 2019. V.323. P.166-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2018.06.035 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
36 |
Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effects of Preparation Mode and Doping on the Genesis and Properties of Ni/Ce1-xMxOy Nanocrystallites (M = Gd, La, Mg) for Catalytic Applications Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2019. V.21. N1. 11 :1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s11051-018-4454-5 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
37 |
Matus E.V.
, Shlyakhtina A.S.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Bharali P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Preparation Methods on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Ni/CeO2 Catalysts Kinetics and Catalysis. 2019. V.60. N2. P.221-230. DOI: 10.1134/s002315841902006x WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
38 |
Matus E.V.
, Suboch A.N.
, Lisitsyn A.S.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Modin E.
, Chuvilin A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Podyacheva O.Y.
Beneficial Role of the Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes in the Synthesis of the Active Palladium Supported Catalyst Diamond and Related Materials. 2019. V.98. 107484 :1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.107484 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
39 |
Matus E.V.
, Nefedova D.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Formation and Properties of Ni–Ce–La–O Catalysts of Reforming Kinetics and Catalysis. 2019. V.60. N4. P.496-507. DOI: 10.1134/s0023158419040074 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
40 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Shikina N.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Efimova O.S.
, Popova A.N.
, Nikitin A.P.
Effect of Acid Treatment on the Functionalization of Surface, Structural and Textural Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Taunit ![]() |
41 |
Matus E.V.
, Khitsova L.M.
, Efimova O.S.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Shikina N.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Preparation of Carbon Nanotubes with Supported Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Effect of Metal Precursor on Thermal Decomposition Behavior of the Materials ![]() |
42 |
Shubin A.
, Zilberberg I.
, Ismagilov I.
, Matus E.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
Hydrogen Abstraction from Methane on Cristobalite Supported W and Mn oxo Complexes: A DFT Study Molecular Catalysis. 2018. V.445. P.307-315. DOI: 10.1016/j.mcat.2017.11.039 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
43 |
Vamvakeros A.
, Jacques S.D.M.
, Di Michiel M.
, Matras D.
, Middelkoop V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Drnec J.
, Senecal P.
, Beale A.M.
5D Operando Tomographic Diffraction Imaging of a Catalyst Bed ![]() |
44 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Control of Ni/Ce1-xMxOy Catalyst Properties Via the Selection of Dopant M = Gd, La, Mg. Part 1. Physicochemical Characteristics ![]() |
45 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Control of Ni/Ce1-xMxOy Catalyst Properties Via the Selection of Dopant M = Gd, La, Mg. Part 2. Catalytic Activity ![]() |
46 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Zhuravleva N.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Podyacheva O.Y.
, Khairulin S.R.
, Shikina N.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kozlov A.P.
, Smirnov V.G.
Environmental Issues in Kuznetsk Coal Basin. Scientific Approaches and Technologies to Reduce Environmental Pollution Chemistry for Sustainable Development. 2018. V.26. N3. P.221-239. DOI: 10.15372/csd20180302 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
47 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.L.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Application of POSS Nanotechnology for Preparation of Efficient Ni Catalysts for Hydrogen Production ![]() |
48 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Larina T.V.
, Kozlova G.S.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Structural and Morphological Properties of Ce1–xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg) Supports for the Catalysts of Autothermal Ethanol Conversion Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2017. V.58. N1. P.126-134. DOI: 10.1134/S002247661701019X WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
49 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Rundau I.A.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Development of a Ni–Pd/CeZrO2/Al2O3 Catalyst for the Effective Conversion of Methane into Hydrogen-Containing Gas Kinetics and Catalysis. 2017. V.58. N5. P.601-609. DOI: 10.1134/S002315841705010X WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
50 |
Matus E.V.
, Nefedova D.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of the Support Composition on the Physicochemical Properties of Ni/Ce1–xLaxOy Catalysts and Their Activity in an Autothermal Methane Reforming Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis. 2017. V.58. N5. P.610-621. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158417050160 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
Conference theses (65) More info
1 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Salnikov A.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Khairulin S.R.
Optimization of Process Conditions for Tri-Reforming Coal Mine Methane into Hydrogen-Containing Gas In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry: Proceedings of VII International scientific schoolconference for young scientists “Catalysis: from science to industry”. – TSU., 2024. – C.85. – ISBN 978-5-907722-99-6. |
2 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kapishnikov A.V.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Khairulin S.R.
Comparative Study of the Properties of Massive and Aluminum Oxide Supported Oxides Ce1-xNixOy In compilation XXII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, October 7-12, 2024, Federal Territory “Sirius”, Russia. Book of abstracts in 7 volumes. Volume 3. – “Admiral Print” LLC., 2024. – C.92. – ISBN 978-5-00202-675-3. |
3 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsova I.O.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Kapishnikov A.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Genesis and Structural Properties of (Ce1-xAlx)0.8Ni0.2Oy Materials for Hydrogen Production through Methane Reforming Processes In compilation ASAM-8. The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials. July 3 – 7, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia. Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2023. – C.51-52. – ISBN 9785906376503. РИНЦ |
4 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Design of High-Performance Supported Bimetallic Catalysts for Hydrogen Production In compilation ASAM-8. The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials. July 3 – 7, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia. Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2023. – C.339-340. – ISBN 9785906376503. РИНЦ |
5 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Liu Y.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
Coupling of the Stages of Steam Methane Reforming over Stuctured Catalysts and CO2 Sorption: Approach to Process Intensification and CO2 Minimization In compilation Coal Chemistry and Ecology of Kuzbass: XII International Russian-Kazakh Symposium, Kemerovo, July 3 – 6, 2023: Book of Abstracts. – FRC CCC SB RAS., 2023. – C.44. – ISBN 978-5-902305-70-5. РИНЦ |
6 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
Catalytic Processing of Coalbed Methane into Useful Chemical Products to Reduce the Carbon Footprint and Anthropogenic Impact on the Climate In compilation Physics and Chemistry of Elementary Chemical Processes : Proceedings of the 10th International Voevodsky Conference. September 5–9, 2022. – NSU., 2022. – C.20. – ISBN 978-5-4437-1350-2. РИНЦ |
7 |
Goswami C.
, Borah B.J.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Bharali P.
Intriguing Role of CeO2 in Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity of Pd3M/C (M = Co, Ni, Cu) in Direct Formic Acid Oxidation for Hydrogen Production In compilation Водород. Технологии. Будущее : сборник тезисов докладов II Всероссийской конференции с международным участием. – ТПУ., 2021. – C.41. – ISBN 9785438710462. |
8 |
Shlyakhtina A.S.
, Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Stability Performance of Ni/CeO2 Catalysts in the Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceeding of VI international scientific school-conference for young scientists. – Ivan Fedorov., 2020. – C.72. – ISBN 9785917011455. |
9 |
Korenyuk A.Y.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceeding of VI international scientific school-conference for young scientists. – Ivan Fedorov., 2020. – C.90. – ISBN 9785917011455. |
10 |
Matus E.V.
, Shlyakhtina A.S.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Composition of Ce1-xNixOy Catalyst on Their Activity and Stability in Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane In compilation Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions (MCR-XI). XI International Conference. Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2019. – C.381. – ISBN 9785906376251. РИНЦ |
11 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Synthesis Conditions on the Nanostructure of (Ce1-xMx)0.8Ni0.2Oy Catalysts (M = La, Mg) In compilation Applied Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology (ANT-2019): III International School-Conference, October 10-13, 2019, Sochi, Russia : Abstracts. – Boreskov lnstitute of Catalysis., 2019. – C.111. – ISBN 9785906376268. |
12 |
Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Directed Functionalization of Oxide Nanomaterials for the Creation of Ni Catalysts for Combined Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane In compilation Catalysis without Borders : 14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019), 18 - 23 August 2019, Aachen, Germany : Book of Abstracts. 2019. |
13 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Ex-Solution Catalysts for H2 Production through Hydrocarbon Fuel Reforming Processes In compilation Catalysis without Borders : 14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019), 18 - 23 August 2019, Aachen, Germany : Book of Abstracts. 2019. |
14 |
Matus E.V.
, Podyacheva O.Y.
, Lisitsyn A.S.
, Eremenko N.K.
, Obraztsova I.I.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Tuning Properties of Ultrafine Pd Nanoparticles Supported on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube In compilation VIII International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis : Book of Abstracts. – Sociedade Portuguesa de Química., 2018. – Т.1. – C.36. – ISBN 9789898124227. |
15 |
Issakova A.S.
, Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Preparation Method on Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Ni/CeO2-Catalysts In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceedings of V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2018. – C.41. – ISBN 9785917011325. РИНЦ |
16 |
Nefedova D.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
The Peculiarity of Genesis and Properties of Ni-Ce-La Mixed Oxide Catalysts In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceedings of V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2018. – C.56. – ISBN 9785917011325. РИНЦ |
17 |
Matus E.
, Ismagilov I.
, Yashnik S.
, Ushakov V.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Navvaro R.
, Middelkoop V.
, Ismagilov Z.
Hydrogen Production Through Autothermal Reforming HF CH4 over Ni-M/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2/Al2O3: Effect of Promotertype M=Pt, Pd, Re, Mo, Sn In compilation 9th International Conference on Hydrogen Production. 2018. – C.43. |
18 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Bharali P.
Effect of Preparation Method on Properties of Ni/Ce1-XLaxOy Catalysts In compilation Book of Abstracts An International Conference in Chemistry OrganiX-2018. 2018. – Т.1. – C.99. |
19 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Bharali P.
Design of Nanosized Ni/Ce1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg) Catalysts for Hydrogen Production from Bioethanol In compilation Asia Pacific Congress on Catalysis – 7 (APCAT – 7) : Book of Abstracts. 2017. – C.0011. |
20 |
Matus E.V.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Navarro R.M.
, Fierro J.L.G.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Self-Activation of NiPd/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2/Al2O3 Catalysts During Autothermal Reforming of Methane In compilation IV Scientific Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician Georgii K. Boreskov (April 19-21, 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia): Abstracts. – Novosibirsk: BIC., 2017. – C.146. – ISBN 9785906376169. |
21 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Control of Ni/Ce1-xMxOy Catalyst Activity in Oxidative Autothermal Reforming of Ethanol via the Selection of Dopant M=Gd, La, Mg In compilation Book of Abstracts of the 8th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis & XII European Meeting on Innovation in Selective Oxidation Catalysis (ISO'17). – IKiFP PAN., 2017. – C.82. – ISBN 9788360514276. |
22 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production from Bioethanol over Nanostructured Ni/Ce1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La,Mg) Catalysts In compilation 13th European Congress on Catalysis. 2017. – C.146-147. |
23 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Autothermal Reforming of Ethanol over Ni Catalysts Supported on Ceria-based Mixed Oxides In compilation X International Conference "Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions" (MCR-X), (October 2 - 6, 2016, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Region, Russia): book of abstracts. – BIC., 2016. – C.176. |
24 |
Zilberberg I.L.
, Shubin A.A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Quantum-chemical Modeling of the Active Center of MnNaW/SiO2 Catalyst for Oxidative Coupling of Methane In compilation X International Conference "Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions" (MCR-X), (October 2 - 6, 2016, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Region, Russia): book of abstracts. – BIC., 2016. – C.177. |
25 |
Nefedova D.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production by Autothermal Reforming of CH4 over Ni/Ce1-xLaxOу Catalysts: Effect of Support Composition In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry: proceedings of IV International scientific school-conference for young scientists in memory of Professor L.N. Kurina. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2016. – C.58. |
26 |
Rundau I.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Design of NiPd/CeZrO2/Al2O3 Catalysts for Effective Conversion of Methane into Syngas In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry: proceedings of IV International scientific school-conference for young scientists in memory of Professor L.N. Kurina. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2016. – C.62. |
27 |
Popkova V.S.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Ethylene Production through Oxidative Condensation of Methane over MnMW/SiO2 (M = Na, K, Rb) Catalysts In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry: proceedings of IV International scientific school-conference for young scientists in memory of Professor L.N. Kurina. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2016. – C.64. |
28 |
Ismagilov I.
, Matus E.
, Kuznetsov V.
, Sukhova O.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.
, Fierro J.L.
, Koekkoek A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.
Design of Highly Efficient Catalysts for ATR and OCM of Methane in Catalytic Membrane Reactors In compilation 16th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 16), 3-8 July 2016, Beijing/China. 2016. |
29 |
Mota N.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Navarro R.M.
, Fierro G.J.
Autothermal Reforming of Methane over Lanthanum Chromites Modified with Sr In compilation XI HYdrogen POwer THeoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium (HYPOTHESIS XI), 6-9 September 2015, Toledo, Spain. 2015. |
30 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Bharali P.
Synthesis of Се1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg) Nanopowders by Polymerizable Complex Method: a Systematic Approach In compilation Book of Abstract // UGC -SAP National Conference on Contemporary Developments in Chemical Sciences, CDCS-2015 23rd & 24th November, 2015. 2015. – C.110. |
31 |
Ismagilov I.
, Matus E.
, Kuznetsov V.
, Sukhova O.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
Stability of NiPd Bimetallic Catalysts in the Autothermal Reforming of Methane In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.142-143. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. |
32 |
Ismagilov I.
, Shubin A.
, Zilberberg I.
, Matus E.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
Oxidative Activation of Methane over MnNaW/SiO2 Catalysts: Models for Active Sites In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.759-760. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. |
33 |
Okhlopkova L.B.
, Matus E.V.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Selective Hydrogenation of 2-Methyl-3-Butyne-2-ol Catalyzed by Embedded Polymer-protected PdZn Nanoparticles In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.1546-1547. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. |
34 |
Ismagilov I.
, Matus E.
, Kuznetsov V.
, Sukhova O.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.
, Fierro G.
, Koekkoek A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.
Design of Highly Efficient Catalysts for Catalytic Membrane Reactors: Study within the Framework of DEMCAMER Project In compilation EuropaCat XII. Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30 August - 4 September, 2015 : Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2015. – C.439-440. – ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. |
35 |
Vasiliev S.D.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Promoted MnNaW/SiO2 Catalysts In compilation Proceedings of III International scientific school-conference for young scientists “Catalysis: from science to industry”. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2014. – C.95. – ISBN 978-5-91701-100-4. |
36 |
Nefedova D.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Support Modification for Improving the Performance of Bimetallic NiPd Catalyst in Autothermal Reforming of Methane In compilation Proceedings of III International scientific school-conference for young scientists “Catalysis: from science to industry”. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2014. – C.95. – ISBN 978-5-91701-100-4. |
37 |
Okhlopkova L.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Matus E.
, Ismagilov I.
, Ismagilov Z.
Development of Highly Selective PdZn Catalysts on Mesoporouse Titania for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene Alcohol In compilation XIth European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat-XI). 2013. |
38 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro G.J.
Hydrogen Production by Autothermal Reforming of Methane over Ni/CeZrO2 Based Catalysts: Daily Startup and Shutdown Mode In compilation 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy, EnMat II. 2013. – C.-. |
39 |
Matus E.V.
, Garin F.
, Bernhardt P.
, Keller V.
, Fierro G.J.
, Navarro R.M.
, Mota N.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Tsikoza L.T.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
Rational Routes of Methane Conversion into Valuable Products over Systematically Studied Highly Effective Catalysts In compilation 10th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, NGCS 10. 2013. – C.O781. |
40 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.L.G.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
Effect of Different Promoters on Ni-based Catalysts for Autothermal Reforming of Methane: Regulation of Chemical State and Phase Composition In compilation XIth European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat-XI). 2013. |
41 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.L.G.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.L.
Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Mn-Na-W/SiO2 Catalysts: Correlation of Catalyst Performance, Preparation Method and State before and after Reaction In compilation XIth European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat-XI). 2013. |
42 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Fierro G.J.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.
Oxidative Activation of Methane over Mn-Na-W/SiO2 Catalysts: Products Yield Control Through the Catalyst Nanostructure Design In compilation 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysts (7thWCOC). 2013. – C.43 (vol. 1). |
43 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Fierro G.J.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
Syngas Generation over Ni-Pd/CeO2-ZrO2-Al2O3 Catalysts: Formation and Evolution of Active Sites for Autothermal Reforming of Methane In compilation 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysts (7thWCOC). 2013. – C.84 (vol. 1). |
44 |
Ismagilov I.
, Matus E.
, Bezrukov A.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
Design of Efficient Catalyst for Autothermal Methane Reforming In compilation 7th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2012). 2012. – C.SP2-T4-P26. |
45 |
Ismagilov I.
, Matus E.
, Bezrukov A.
, Kerzhentsev M.
, Ismagilov Z.
Development of Catalyst for Oxidative Coupling of Methane in a Catalytic Membrane Reactor In compilation 7th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2012). 2012. – C.SP2-T4-P08. |
46 |
Matus E.V.
, Bezrukov A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Nanoscale Control During Synthesis of Me/La2O3, Me/СexGd1-xOy and Me/СexZr1-xOy (Me = Ni, Pt, Pd, Rh) Catalysts for Autothermal Reforming of Methane In compilation International Symposium on "Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry", CCESC2012. 2012. – C.O-O3. |
47 |
Matus E.V.
, Bezrukov A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Fierro G.J.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Oxidative Coupling of Methane: Comparative Study on Na-W-Mn/SiO2 and La-Sr/CaO Catalysts In compilation International Symposium on "Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry", CCESC2012. 2012. – C.P-8. |
48 |
Mota N.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Navarro R.M.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.L.G.
Effect of B-Cation Substitution on the Activity of LaCrO3 and LaNiO3 Perovskites for Autothermal Reforming of Methane In compilation IX International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” (MCR-IX). – ИК СО РАН., 2012. – C.228. |
49 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro R.M.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.L.G.
Comparative Study of Oxidative Coupling of Methane to Ethane and Ethylene over Na-W-Mn/SiO2 and La-Sr/CaO Catalysts In compilation IX International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” (MCR-IX). – ИК СО РАН., 2012. – C.299. |
50 |
Matus E.V.
, Tsikoza L.T.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Zaikovskii V.I.
, Litvak G.S.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Control of Carbon Species on Bimetallic Mo-Me/ZSM-5 (Me = Fe, Co, Ni) Catalysts for Methane Dehydroaromatization: Activity vs. Structural Properties Study In compilation The 5th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis (CARBOCAT-V). Book of Abstracts. 2012. – C.124. |
Conference attendances (56) More info
1 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Salnikov A.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Khairulin S.R.
Optimization of Process Conditions for Tri-Reforming Coal Mine Methane into Hydrogen-Containing Gas Catalysis: from Science to Industry : VIII International School-Conference for Young Scientists 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2024 |
2 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsova I.O.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Kapishnikov A.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Genesis and Structural Properties of (Ce1-xAlx)0.8Ni0.2Oy Materials for Hydrogen Production through Methane Reforming Processes The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials 03-07 Jul 2023 |
3 |
Matus E.V.
, Kovalenko E.N.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Design of High-Performance Supported Bimetallic Catalysts for Hydrogen Production The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials 03-07 Jul 2023 |
4 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
Catalytic Processing of Coalbed Methane into Useful Chemical Products to Reduce the Carbon Footprint and Anthropogenic Impact on the Climate X International Voevodsky Conference "Physics and Chemistry of Elementary Chemical Processes" 05-09 Sep 2022 |
5 |
Goswami C.
, Borah B.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Bharali P.
Intriguing Role of CeO2 in Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity of Pd3M/C (M = Co, Ni, Cu) in Direct Formic Acid Oxidation for Hydrogen Production II Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция c международным участием «Водород. Технологии. Будущее» 25-27 Oct 2021 |
6 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Salnikov A.V.
, Khitsova L.M.
, Popova A.N.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Sozinov S.A.
Metal-Carbon Materials for Deep Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels: Effect of Composition and Preparation Mode XII International Symposium «Combustion and Plasmochemistry. Physics and Chemistry of Material Science» 12-13 Oct 2021 |
7 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production from Methane with CO2 Utilizatation over Exsolution Derived NiCu/CeO2 Catalysts 12th International Conference on Hydrogen Production 19-23 Sep 2021 |
8 |
Malakhova A.Y.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane VI International School-Conference for Young Scientists "Catalysis: From Science to Industry" 06-10 Oct 2020 |
9 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Nikitin A.P.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Synthesis Conditions on the Nanostructure of (Ce1-xMx)0.8Ni0.2Oy Catalysts (M = La, Mg) III International School-Conference «Applied Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology» 10-13 Oct 2019 |
10 |
Matus E.V.
, Shlyakhtina A.S.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Composition of Ce1-xNixOy Catalyst on Their Activity and Stability in Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane XI International Conference Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions 07-11 Oct 2019 |
11 |
Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Directed Functionalization of Oxide Nanomaterials for the Creation of Ni Catalysts for Combined Steam/CO2 Reforming of Methane EuropaCat-XIV: 14th European Congress on Catalysis "Catalysis without Borders" 18-23 Aug 2019 |
12 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Ex-Solution Catalysts for H2 Production through Hydrocarbon Fuel Reforming Processes EuropaCat-XIV: 14th European Congress on Catalysis "Catalysis without Borders" 18-23 Aug 2019 |
13 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Preparation Method on Properties of Ni/Ce1-XLaxOy Catalysts An International Conference in Chemistry "OrganiX-2018" 20-21 Dec 2018 |
14 |
Nefedova D.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
The Peculiarity of Genesis and Properties of Ni-Ce-La Mixed Oxide Catalysts Catalysis: from Science to Industry : V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists 25-29 Sep 2018 |
15 |
Issakova A.S.
, Matus E.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Effect of Preparation Method on Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Ni/CeO2-Catalysts Catalysis: from Science to Industry : V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists 25-29 Sep 2018 |
16 |
Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Middelkoop V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production Through Autothermal Reforming HF CH4 over Ni-M/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2/Al2O3: Effect of Promotertype M=Pt, Pd, Re, Mo, Sn 9th International Conference on Hydrogen Production 16-19 Jul 2018 |
17 |
Matus E.V.
, Podyacheva O.Y.
, Lisitsyn A.S.
, Eremenko N.K.
, Obraztsova I.I.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Tuning Properties of Ultrafine Pd Nanoparticles Supported on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube VIII International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis 26-29 Jun 2018 |
18 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Control of Ni/Ce1-xMxOy Catalyst Activity in Oxidative Autothermal Reforming of Ethanol via the Selection of Dopant M=Gd, La, Mg 8th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis 03-08 Sep 2017 |
19 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production from Bioethanol over Nanostructured Ni/Ce1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La,Mg) Catalysts EuropaCat-XIII: 13th European Congress on Catalysis 27-31 Aug 2017 |
20 |
Matus E.V.
, Ushakov V.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Self-Activation of NiPd/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2/Al2O3 Catalysts During Autothermal Reforming of Methane IV Scientific Conference BORESKOV READINGS dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician Georgii K. Boreskov 19-21 Apr 2017 |
21 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Bharali P.
Design of Nanosized Ni/Ce1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg) Catalysts for Hydrogen Production from Bioethanol The 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis 17-21 Jan 2017 |
22 |
Nefedova D.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production by Autothermal Reforming of CH4 over Ni/Ce1-xLaxOу Catalysts: Effect of Support Composition IV International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists in Memory of Professor L.N. Kurina «Catalysis: from Science to Industry» 23-27 Oct 2016 |
23 |
Rundau I.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Design of NiPd/CeZrO2/Al2O3 Catalysts for Effective Conversion of Methane into Syngas IV International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists in Memory of Professor L.N. Kurina «Catalysis: from Science to Industry» 23-27 Oct 2016 |
24 |
Popkova v.s.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Ethylene Production through Oxidative Condensation of Methane over MnMW/SiO2 (M = Na, K, Rb) Catalysts IV International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists in Memory of Professor L.N. Kurina «Catalysis: from Science to Industry» 23-27 Oct 2016 |
25 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Bharali P.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Autothermal Reforming of Ethanol over Ni Catalysts Supported on Ceria-based Mixed Oxides X International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” 02-06 Oct 2016 |
26 |
Zilberberg I.L.
, Shubin A.A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Quantum-chemical Modeling of the Active Center of MnNaW/SiO2 Catalyst for Oxidative Coupling of Methane X International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” 02-06 Oct 2016 |
27 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Koekkoek A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.
Design of Highly Efficient Catalysts for ATR and OCM of Methane in Catalytic Membrane Reactors 16th International Congress on Catalysis 03-08 Jul 2016 |
28 |
Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Bharali P.
Synthesis of Се1-xMxOy (M = Gd, La, Mg) Nanopowders by Polymerizable Complex Method: a Systematic Approach UGC-SAP National Conference on Contemporary Developments in Chemical Sciences-2015 (CDCS-2015) 23-24 Nov 2015 |
29 |
Mota N.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
Autothermal Reforming of Methane over Lanthanum Chromites Modified with Sr XI HYdrogen POwer THeoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium 06-09 Sep 2015 |
30 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Koekkoek A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.
Design of Highly Efficient Catalysts for Catalytic Membrane Reactors: Study within the Framework of DEMCAMER Project EuropaCat-XII: 12th European Congress on Catalysis “Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources” 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2015 |
31 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Stability of NiPd Bimetallic Catalysts in the Autothermal Reforming of Methane EuropaCat-XII: 12th European Congress on Catalysis “Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources” 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2015 |
32 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Shubin A.A.
, Zilberberg I.L.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Oxidative Activation of Methane over MnNaW/SiO2 Catalysts: Models for Active Sites EuropaCat-XII: 12th European Congress on Catalysis “Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources” 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2015 |
33 |
Okhlopkova L.B.
, Matus E.V.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Selective Hydrogenation of 2-Methyl-3-Butyne-2-ol Catalyzed by Embedded Polymer-protected PdZn Nanoparticles EuropaCat-XII: 12th European Congress on Catalysis “Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources” 30 Aug - 4 Sep 2015 |
34 |
Vasilev S.D.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Promoted MnNaW/SiO2 Catalysts III International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists "Catalysis: from Science to Industry" 26-29 Oct 2014 |
35 |
Nefedova D.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Support Modification for Improving the Performance of Bimetallic NiPd Catalyst in Autothermal Reforming of Methane III International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists "Catalysis: from Science to Industry" 26-29 Oct 2014 |
36 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Hydrogen Production by Autothermal Reforming of Methane over Ni-Pd Catalysts: Effect of Support Composition and Preparation Mode 13th International Conference on Clean Energy 2014 (ICCE) 08-12 Jun 2014 |
37 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Design of Highly Efficient Catalyst for Rational Way of Direct Conversion of Methane 13th International Conference on Clean Energy 2014 (ICCE) 08-12 Jun 2014 |
38 |
Okhlopkova L.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Matus E.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Development of Highly Selective PdZn Catalysts on Mesoporouse Titania for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene Alcohol EuropaCat-XI: 11th European Congress on Catalysis 01-06 Sep 2013 |
39 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
Effect of Different Promoters on Ni-based Catalysts for Autothermal Reforming of Methane: Regulation of Chemical State and Phase Composition EuropaCat-XI: 11th European Congress on Catalysis 01-06 Sep 2013 |
40 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.
Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Mn-Na-W/SiO2 Catalysts: Correlation of Catalyst Performance, Preparation Method and State before and after Reaction EuropaCat-XI: 11th European Congress on Catalysis 01-06 Sep 2013 |
41 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Gerritsen G.
, Abbenhuis H.C.
Oxidative Activation of Methane over Mn-Na-W/SiO2 Catalysts: Products Yield Control Through the Catalyst Nanostructure Design 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis 09-12 Jun 2013 |
42 |
Ismagilov Z.R.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Fierro J.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Yashnik S.A.
, Prosvirin I.P.
Syngas Generation over Ni-Pd/CeO2-ZrO2-Al2O3 Catalysts: Formation and Evolution of Active Sites for Autothermal Reforming of Methane 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis 09-12 Jun 2013 |
43 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.
Hydrogen Production by Autothermal Reforming of Methane over Ni/CeZrO2 Based Catalysts: Daily Startup and Shutdown Mode 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy, EnMat II 12-16 May 2013 |
44 |
Matus E.V.
, Garin F.
, Bernhardt P.
, Keller V.
, Fierro J.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Mota N.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Tsykoza L.T.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Sukhova O.B.
Rational Routes of Methane Conversion into Valuable Products over Systematically Studied Highly Effective Catalysts 10th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium 02-07 Mar 2013 |
45 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Rebrov E.V.
, de Croon M.
, Matus E.V.
, Panin A.V.
, Okhlopkova L.B.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Schouten J.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Development of Aluminum Anodic Oxidation Process for Functional Coatings Deposition XX International Conference on Chemical Reactors 03-07 Dec 2012 |
46 |
Okhlopkova L.B.
, Matus E.V.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Control of Metal Dispersion, Chemical Composition, Porous Structure and Thickness of Mesoporous PtSn/TiO2 and PdZn/TiO2 Coatings for Microcapillary Reactor IX International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” 22-25 Oct 2012 |
47 |
Mota N.
, Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.
Effect of B-Cation Substitution on the Activity of LaCrO3 and LaNiO3 Perovskites for Autothermal Reforming of Methane IX International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” 22-25 Oct 2012 |
48 |
Matus E.V.
, Kuznetsov V.V.
, Ismagilov I.Z.
, Mota N.
, Navarro Yerga R.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
, Fierro J.
Comparative Study of Oxidative Coupling of Methane to Ethane and Ethylene over Na-W-Mn/SiO2 and La-Sr/CaO Catalysts IX International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions” 22-25 Oct 2012 |
49 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Bezrukov A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Design of Efficient Catalyst for Autothermal Methane Reforming 7th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2012) 02-06 Sep 2012 |
50 |
Ismagilov I.Z.
, Matus E.V.
, Bezrukov A.
, Kerzhentsev M.A.
, Ismagilov Z.R.
Development of Catalyst for Oxidative Coupling of Methane in a Catalytic Membrane Reactor 7th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2012) 02-06 Sep 2012 |

2007 - Ph.D.