Science activity
Articles (120) More info
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Pakharukova V.P.
, Kriventsov V.V.
, Ishchenko A.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Structural Studies of Copper Species in Supported CuO/CeO2 Catalyst by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Coupled with Pair Distribution Function Analysis Journal of Cluster Science. 2025. V.36. 18 . DOI: 10.1007/s10876-024-02727-5 WOS Scopus AN OpenAlex publication_identifier_short.sciact_skif_identifier_type |
2 |
Zazhigalov S.V.
, Shilov V.A.
, Kireenkov V.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Burmatova M.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Stationary and Dynamic Mathematical Modeling of Autothermal Reforming of Diesel with Aromatic Compounds International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2024. V.61. P.831-839. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.02.319 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
3 |
Stroeva A.Y.
, Ichetovkin Z.N.
, Plekhanov M.S.
, Borisov V.A.
, Shlyapin D.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kuzmin A.V.
The Lanthanum-Scandate- and Lanthanum-Cobaltite-Based Composite Materials for Proton–Ceramic Electrochemical Devices Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2024. V.60. N1. P.36-43. DOI: 10.1134/s1023193524010117 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex publication_identifier_short.sciact_ihcp_identifier_type |
4 |
Shilov V.A.
, Burmatova M.A.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
The Influence of Platinum Additives on the Activity and Stability of Rh-Containing Catalyst for the Conversion of Diesel Fuel into Synthesis Gas Kinetics and Catalysis. 2024. V.65. N1. P.66-74. DOI: 10.1134/s0023158424010051 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
5 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Urlukov A.S.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Analysis of the State of the Art Technologies for the Utilization and Processing of Associated Petroleum Gas into Valuable Chemical Products Reviews in Chemical Engineering. 2024. V.40. N7. P.839-858. DOI: 10.1515/revce-2023-0068 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
6 |
Nikulina I.E.
, Derevshchikov V.S.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Effect of the Composition and Synthesis Method on the Sorption Properties of NaNO3/MgO Sorbents with Respect to Carbon Dioxide Catalysis in Industry. 2024. V.16. N2. P.111–122. DOI: 10.1134/S2070050424700016 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
7 |
Shilov V.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Burmatova M.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Development of Diesel Fuel Processor and Optimisation of the Thermal Circuit of a Power Plant Based on SOFC with a Power of 1 kW Chemistry for Sustainable Development. 2024. V.32. N3. P.323–329. DOI: 10.15372/CSD2024564 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
8 |
Hrebtov M.Y.
, Zheribor M.O.
, Mullyadzhanov R.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Numerical Study of Evaporation and Heat and Mass Transfer Inside the Nozzle of a Catalytic Reformer of Diesel Fuel Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. 2024. V.31. N2. P.193-209. DOI: 10.1134/s086986432402001x WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
9 |
Shilov V.A.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Burmatova M.A.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Experimental Studies and Mathematical Modeling of the Catalytic Conversion of Biodiesel Fuel to Synthesis Gas Catalysis in Industry. 2024. V.16. N4. P.451–459. DOI: 10.1134/S2070050424700296 WOS Scopus РИНЦ |
10 |
Zazhigalov S.V.
, Shilov V.A.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Variation in the Shape of Catalyst Modules during the Autothermal Reforming of Hexadecane, Propane, and Methane by the Mathematical Modeling Method Catalysis in Industry. 2024. V.16. N4. P.460–468. DOI: 10.1134/S2070050424700302 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
11 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Panafidin M.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Powder and Structured Pt/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-Based Catalysts: Water Gas Shift Performance and Quasi in situ XPS Studies International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2023. V.48. N32. P.12015-12023. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.06.028 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
12 |
Borisov V.A.
, Sidorchik I.A.
, Temerev V.L.
, Simunin M.M.
, Leont’eva N.N.
, Muromtsev I.V.
, Mikhlin Y.L.
, Voronin A.S.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Shlyapin D.A.
Ru-Ba/ANF Catalysts for Ammonia Decomposition: Support Carbonization Influence International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2023. V.48. N59. P.22453-22461. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.03.182 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex publication_identifier_short.sciact_ihcp_identifier_type |
13 |
Shilov V.
, Potemkin D.
, Rogozhnikov V.
, Snytnikov P.
Recent Advances in Structured Catalytic Materials Development for Conversion of Liquid Hydrocarbons into Synthesis Gas for Fuel Cell Power Generators Materials. 2023. V.16. N2. 599 :1-33. DOI: 10.3390/ma16020599 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN PMID OpenAlex |
14 |
Borisov V.A.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Temerev V.L.
, Trenikhin M.V.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Muromtsev I.V.
, Arbuzov A.B.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Shlyapin D.A.
Ceria–Zirconia-Supported Ruthenium Catalysts for Hydrogen Production by Ammonia Decomposition Energies. 2023. V.16. N4. 1743 :1-16. DOI: 10.3390/en16041743 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex publication_identifier_short.sciact_ihcp_identifier_type |
15 |
Fedorova Z.A.
, Borisov V.A.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Gulyaeva T.I.
, Shlyapin D.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Layered Double Hydroxide-Derived Ni-Mg-Al Catalysts for Ammonia Decomposition Process: Synthesis and Characterization Catalysts. 2023. V.13. N4. 678 :1-14. DOI: 10.3390/catal13040678 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex publication_identifier_short.sciact_ihcp_identifier_type |
16 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Synthesis and Study of the Catalytic Properties of a Structured Rh-Containing Catalyst for the Conversion of Diesel Fuel into Synthesis Gas Kinetics and Catalysis. 2023. V.64. N1. P.96–104. DOI: 10.1134/S002315842301007X WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
17 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Regeneration of Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 – δ/θ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Catalyst after Autothermal Reforming of Diesel Fuel Kinetics and Catalysis. 2023. V.64. N2. P.215–220. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158423020076 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
18 |
Ruban N.V.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Emelyanov V.A.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
A Comparative Investigation of Equimolar Ni-, Ru-, Rh- and Pt-Based Composite Structured Catalysts for Energy-Efficient Methane Reforming Fuel. 2023. V.352. 128973 :1-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128973 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
19 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Gladky A.Y.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Ceria–Zirconia Supported Platinum Catalysts for the Water-Gas Shift Reaction: The Influence of Support Composition Kinetics and Catalysis. 2023. V.64. N4. P.449–457. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158423040031 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
20 |
Shlyapin D.A.
, Borisov V.A.
, Temerev V.L.
, Iost K.N.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Ammonia Synthesis and Decomposition in the Presence of Supported Ruthenium Catalysts Kinetics and Catalysis. 2023. V.64. N6. P.815–825. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158423060137 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex publication_identifier_short.sciact_ihcp_identifier_type |
21 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Kharton V.V.
Methanol Decomposition to Synthesis Gas over Supported Platinum-Containing Catalysts Catalysis in Industry. 2023. V.15. N4. P.367–373. DOI: 10.1134/S2070050423040037 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
22 |
Shigarov A.B.
, Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Experimental Verification of Kinetics and Internal Diffusion Impact on Low Temperature Steam Reforming of a Propane-Methane Mixture over Ni-Based Catalyst Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. V.429. 132205 :1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.132205 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
23 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Shashkov M.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
The Influence of Aromatic Compounds on the Rh-Containing Structured Catalyst Performance in Steam and Autothermal Reforming of Diesel Fuel International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022. V.47. N21. P.11316-11325. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.08.226 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
24 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Salanov A.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Glotov A.P.
, Boev S.S.
, Zasypalov G.O.
, Melnikov D.P.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Structured Composite Catalyst Pd/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-x/θ-Al2O3/FeCrAlloy for Complete Oxidation of Methane Materials Letters. 2022. V.310. 131481 :1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.131481 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
25 |
Gorlova A.
, Zadesenets A.
, Filatov E.
, Simonov P.
, Korenev S.
, Stonkus O.
, Sobyanin V.
, Snytnikov P.
, Potemkin D.
Pt-Fe Nanoalloy: Structure Evolution Study and Catalytic Properties in Water Gas Shift Reaction Materials Research Bulletin. 2022. V.149. 111727 :1-7. DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2022.111727 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
26 |
Snytnikov P.
, Potemkin D.
Flare Gas Monetization and Greener Hydrogen Production via Combination with Cryptocurrency Mining and Carbon Dioxide Capture iScience. 2022. V.25. N2. 103769 :1-7. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.103769 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN PMID OpenAlex |
27 |
Yusenko M.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Demin A.K.
, Bronin D.I.
, Salanov A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Performance of Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on Ni and Ni–Cu Alloy Anodes and Fed with a Methane–Air Mixture Kinetics and Catalysis. 2022. V.63. N1. P.123-128. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158422010116 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
28 |
Yusenko M.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Demin A.K.
, Bronin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikova P.V.
A Study of the Electrochemical Characteristics of Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on Platinum and Strontium-Doped Lanthanum Manganite Electrodes and Fed with a Methane–Air Mixture Kinetics and Catalysis. 2022. V.63. N1. P.117-122. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158422010104 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
29 |
Zazhigalov S.V.
, Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Mathematical Modeling of Diesel Autothermal Reformer Geometry Modifications Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. V.442. NPart 1. 136160 :1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.136160 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
30 |
Urlukov A.S.
, Uskov S.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Ethane Formation via Catalytic Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of C3+-Alkanes Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. V.446. NPart 1. 136993 :1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.136993 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
31 |
Pakharukova V.P.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Nikitina N.A.
, Suprun E.A.
, Brayko A.S.
, Rogov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Effect of Ce/Zr Composition on Structure and Properties of Ce1−xZrxO2 Oxides and Related Ni/Ce1−xZrxO2 Catalysts for CO2 Methanation Nanomaterials. 2022. V.12. N18. 3207 :1-16. DOI: 10.3390/nano12183207 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN PMID OpenAlex |
32 |
Ruban N.
, Rogozhnikov V.
, Zazhigalov S.
, Zagoruiko A.
, Emelyanov V.
, Snytnikov P.
, Sobyanin V.
, Potemkin D.
Composite Structured M/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2/Al2O3/FeCrAl (M = Pt, Rh, and Ru) Catalysts for Propane and n-Butane Reforming to Syngas Materials. 2022. V.15. N20. 7336 :1-14. DOI: 10.3390/ma15207336 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN PMID OpenAlex |
33 |
Urlukov A.S.
, Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Catalytic Conversion of Flare Gas on Rh Catalysts with Subsequent Direct Monetization Catalysis in Industry. 2022. V.14. N4. P.357-362. DOI: 10.1134/S2070050422040110 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
34 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Karmadonova I.E.
, Derevshchikov V.S.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Sorption-Enhanced Water Gas Shift Reaction over a Mechanical Mixture of the Catalyst Pt/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 and the Sorbent NaNO3/MgO Catalysis in Industry. 2022. V.14. N4. P.349-356. DOI: 10.1134/S2070050422040031 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
35 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Brayko A.S.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Flare Gases Processing over Highly Dispersed Ni/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 Catalysts for Methanotroph-Based Biorefinery Catalysis Today. 2021. V.379. P.205-211. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.06.070 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
36 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shashkov M.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Biodiesel and Hydrodeoxygenated Biodiesel Autothermal Reforming over Rh-Containing Structured Catalyst Catalysis Today. 2021. V.379. P.42-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.06.080 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
37 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Salanov A.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Glotov A.P.
, Boev S.V.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Synthesis and Studies of Structured Support Ce0.75Zr0.25O2/θ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Materials Letters. 2021. V.283. 128855 :1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128855 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
38 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Glotov A.P.
, Zasypalov G.O.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Structured Catalytic Burner for Deep Oxidation of Hydrocarbons ![]() |
39 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Activation of a Nickel-Chromium Catalyst for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of C2+-Alkanes Catalysis Today. 2021. V.378. P.106-112. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.11.014 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
40 |
Zazhigalov S.V.
, Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Modeling of Hydrogen Production by Diesel Reforming over Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2‐δ‐ƞ‐Al2O3/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module Catalysis Today. 2021. V.378. P.240-248. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.11.015 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
41 |
Enikeeva L.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Enikeev M.R.
, Gubaydullin I.M.
Gravitational Search Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Kinetic Parameters of Propane pre-Reforming Rreaction Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2021. V.132. N1. P.111-122. DOI: 10.1007/s11144-021-01927-8 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
42 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Shashkov M.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Operation of Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Modules in Diesel Steam and Autothermal Reforming International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. V.46. N72. P.35866-35876. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.02.092 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
43 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Nedolivko V.V.
, Glotov A.P.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Structured Catalysts for the Conversion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas to Hydrogen-Rich Gas and for Anode off-gas Afterburning International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. V.46. N72. P.35853-35865. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.03.164 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
44 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Pinigina A.E.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CuCeOx/γ-Al2O3 Catalyst for Low Temperature Dimethyl Ether Partial Oxidation to Hydrogen-Rich Gas Materials Letters. 2021. V.302. 130345 :1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.130345 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
45 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Zadesenets A.V.
, Filatov E.Y.
, Plyusnin P.E.
, Shubin Y.V.
, Korenev S.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Design of Nanoalloyed Catalysts for Hydrogen Production Processes Nanobiotechnology Reports. 2021. V.16. N2. P.195-201. DOI: 10.1134/S2635167621020117 WOS РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
46 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Shefer K.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Rh- and Rh–Ni–MgO-Based Structured Catalysts for on-Board Syngas Production via Gasoline Processing International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. V.46. N72. P.35840-35852. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.01.183 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
47 |
Pechenkin A.
, Potemkin D.
, Rubtsova M.
, Snytnikov P.
, Plyusnin P.
, Glotov A.
CuO-In2O3 Catalysts Supported on Halloysite Nanotubes for CO2 Hydrogenation to Dimethyl Ether Catalysts. 2021. V.11. N10. 1151 :1-12. DOI: 10.3390/catal11101151 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
48 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Simonov P.A.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Pt/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2–x Catalysts for Water Gas Shift Reaction: Morphology and Catalytic Properties Kinetics and Catalysis. 2021. V.62. N6. P.812-819. DOI: 10.1134/S0023158421060057 WOS Scopus РИНЦ AN OpenAlex |
49 |
Ezdin B.S.
, Yatsenko D.A.
, Kalyada V.V.
, Ichshenko A.B.
, Zarvin A.E.
, Nikiforov A.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Pyrolysis of a Mixture of Monosilane and Alkanes in a Compression Reactor to Produce Nanodispersed Silicon Carbide Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020. V.381. 122642 :1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.122642 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
50 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Uskov S.I.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Design of Catalytic Polyfunctional Nanomaterials for the Hydrogen Production Processes Nanotechnologies in Russia. 2020. V.15. N3-6. P.308-313. DOI: 10.1134/S1995078020030106 WOS Scopus РИНЦ ANCAN OpenAlex |
Conference theses (115) More info
1 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Catalytic Reforming of Dimethoxymethane to Hydrogen-Rich Gas In compilation Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions (MCR-XII). XII International Conference / June 17-21, 2024, Vladimir, Russia [Electronic resource]: Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2024. – C.97-98. – ISBN 978-5-906376-56-5. РИНЦ |
2 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Electrochemical Extraction of Pure Hydrogen from Methanol, Dimethyl Ether and Dimethoxymethane Steam Reforming Products In compilation XXII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, October 7-12, 2024, Federal Territory “Sirius”, Russia. Book of abstracts in 7 volumes. Volume 2. – “Admiral Print” LLC., 2024. – C.251. – ISBN 978-5-00202-674-6. |
3 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Levchenko E.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sivak A.V.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Structured Catalysts for Fuel Processors and Electrochemical Generators: from R&D to Pilot-Scale Production In compilation XXII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, October 7-12, 2024, Federal Territory “Sirius”, Russia. Book of abstracts in 7 volumes. Volume 3. – “Admiral Print” LLC., 2024. – C.65. – ISBN 978-5-00202-675-3. |
4 |
Stroeva A.Y.
, Borisov V.A.
, Ichetovkin Z.N.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Shlyapin D.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kuzmin A.V.
Functional Materials for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells Powered by Ammonia In compilation ASAM-8. The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials. July 3 – 7, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia. Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2023. – C.88-89. – ISBN 9785906376503. РИНЦ |
5 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Platinum Ceria-Zirconia Supported Catalysts for the Water Gas Shift Reaction: Structure Diagnostics and Approaches to Boost the Performance In compilation ASAM-8. The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials. July 3 – 7, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia. Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2023. – C.240-241. – ISBN 9785906376503. РИНЦ |
6 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Design of Polyfunctional Composite Catalysts for Hydrogen Production Reactions In compilation ASAM-8. The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials. July 3 – 7, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia. Book of Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2023. – C.255-256. – ISBN 9785906376503. РИНЦ |
7 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Emelyanov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
A Comparative Investigation of Equimolar Rh, Pt and Ru-Based Structured Catalysts’ Activities in Natural Gas, Propane, and Gasoline Reforming In compilation HYPOTHESIS XVII. HYdrogen POwer THeoretical & Engineering Solutions International Symposium. Book of Abstracts. Taipei 2022 Taiwan. 2022. – C.45-46. |
8 |
Borisov V.A.
, Temerev V.L.
, Simunin M.M.
, Leont’eva N.N.
, Shlyapin D.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Ammonia Decomposition Ru-Ba/ANF Catalysts for Hydrogen Energy In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry : Proceedings of VII International scientific school-conference for young scientists. – ТГУ., 2022. – C.73. – ISBN 9785907572263. РИНЦ |
9 |
Urlukov A.S.
, Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of С2+-hydrocarbons over High Dispersed Rh Catalysts In compilation Catalysis: from science to industry : Proceedings of VII International scientific school-conference for young scientists. – ТГУ., 2022. – C.122. – ISBN 9785907572263. |
10 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Study of Diesel Fuel Autothermal Reforming into Syngas on Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Structured Catalyst In compilation WOCST. World Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies. Book of Abstracts. – EMHYTEC Conference Committee., 2021. – C.106-107. – ISBN 9788894272321. |
11 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Flare Gas Conditioning, Electricity Generation, Cryptocurency Mining, Carbon Dioxide Capture and Hydrogen Production. What is the Nexus between Them? In compilation WOCST. World Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies. Book of Abstracts. – EMHYTEC Conference Committee., 2021. – C.110-111. – ISBN 9788894272321. |
12 |
Zazhigalov S.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Zagoruiko A.
Modeling of Hydrogen Production by Diesel Reforming at Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-Ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module In compilation Abstracts of IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic hydroprocessing in oil refining". – BIC SB RAS., 2021. – C.156-157. – ISBN 9785906376312. РИНЦ |
13 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Hythane Production via Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Natural Gas In compilation Abstracts of IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic hydroprocessing in oil refining". – BIC SB RAS., 2021. – C.158. – ISBN 9785906376312. РИНЦ |
14 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, S.V.A.
Structured Catalysts for Hydrocarbons and Oxygenates Mixtures Conversion to Hydrogen-Rich Gas In compilation Abstracts of IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic hydroprocessing in oil refining". – BIC SB RAS., 2021. – C.83-84. – ISBN 9785906376312. РИНЦ |
15 |
Enikeeva L.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Enikeev M.R.
, Gubaydullin I.M.
Gravity Search Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Kinetic Parameters of Low-Temperature Steam Conversion of C2 + Hydrocarbons In compilation Abstracts of IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic hydroprocessing in oil refining". – BIC SB RAS., 2021. – C.127-128. – ISBN 9785906376312. РИНЦ |
16 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Noble Metal Catalysts for Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction In compilation Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level : 6th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists, Abstracts (May 16-19, 2021, Novosibirsk, Russia) [Electronic resource]. – ИК СО РАН., 2021. – C.133. – ISBN 9785906376336. |
17 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Emelyanov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Ru/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Structured Catalyst for CO2 Methanation and Steam Reforming of Natural Gas In compilation Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level : 6th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists, Abstracts (May 16-19, 2021, Novosibirsk, Russia) [Electronic resource]. – ИК СО РАН., 2021. – C.256. – ISBN 9785906376336. |
18 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Structured Catalysts and Reformers for Gaseous and Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels Processing to Hydrogen-Rich Gas In compilation XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR‐24) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (September 12 ‐ 17, 2021 in Milan, Italy – Novosibirsk, Russia). – BIC., 2021. – C.241-242. РИНЦ |
19 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Dimethoxymethane Fuel Processing for SOFC-APU: Insights for Catalyst and Reactor Design In compilation XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR‐24) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (September 12 ‐ 17, 2021 in Milan, Italy – Novosibirsk, Russia). – BIC., 2021. – C.243-244. РИНЦ |
20 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Brayko A.S.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Urlukov A.S.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Highly Dispersed Ni/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 Catalysts for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Flare Gases In compilation XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR‐24) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (September 12 ‐ 17, 2021 in Milan, Italy – Novosibirsk, Russia). – BIC., 2021. – C.402-403. РИНЦ |
21 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Popov M.P.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Fedorova Z.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Nemudry A.P.
LPG Partial Oxidation over Rh/Ce0.25Zr0.75O2-Al2O3/FeCrAlloy for Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Feeding In compilation XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR‐24) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (September 12 ‐ 17, 2021 in Milan, Italy – Novosibirsk, Russia). – BIC., 2021. – C.404-405. РИНЦ |
22 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Shilov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Modification of Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2/Al2O3/FeCrAl Catalytic Module: Toward Enhanced Effectivity of Aromatic Compound Conversion In compilation XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR‐24) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (September 12 ‐ 17, 2021 in Milan, Italy – Novosibirsk, Russia). – BIC., 2021. – C.406-407. РИНЦ |
23 |
Shilov V.A.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Verification of Mathematical Model of Diesel Steam and Autothermal Reforming In compilation HYdrogen POwer THeoretical & Engineering Solutions International Symposium, Book of Abstracts. 2021. – C.120-121. |
24 |
Urlukov A.S.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Flare Gas Hydrocarbons over Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 In compilation 9th Global Conference on Global Warming, Conference Proceedings. 2021. – C.224-227. – ISBN 978-605-64806-1-4. |
25 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Pt-Based Catalysts for Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction: Synthesis and Activity In compilation Catalysis for a Sustainable World : Сборник трудов Международной конференции по гомогенному и гетерогенному катализу. – RUDN., 2020. – C.70-71. |
26 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Catalytic Systems for Hydrogen Production for Fuel Cells Feeding Applications In compilation 2019 Sino-Russian High-Level International Symposium on Catalysis. Book of Program and Abstracts. – Heilongjiang University., 2019. – C.35-36. |
27 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Zazhigalov S.V.
Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module for Diesel Autothermal Reforming: Preparation, Performance and Modeling In compilation Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors ICOSCAR6. 2019. – C.89. |
28 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Flare Gases Utilization via Low-Temperature Steam Reforming Reaction In compilation Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals: Fifth International Conference (CRS-5), (September 2-6, 2019, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece) [Electronic resource] : Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2019. – C.190-191. – ISBN 9785906376244. |
29 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
From Mechanistic Studies of the Preferential CO Methanation in the Presence of CO2 to Design of Structured Nickel-Ceria Catalysts In compilation Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions (MCR-XI). XI International Conference. Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2019. – C.375-376. – ISBN 9785906376251. |
30 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Kuzin N.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Operation of a Rh/Ce₀.₇₅Zr₀.₂₅O₂-δ-ƞ-Al₂O₃/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module in Diesel Autothermal Reforming In compilation Catalysis without Borders : 14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019), 18 - 23 August 2019, Aachen, Germany : Book of Abstracts. 2019. |
31 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Simulation and Process Prediction for Low-Temperature Steam Conversion of Light Hydrocarbons In compilation XI International Conference on Chemistry for Young Scientists "Mendeleev 2019" : Book of abstracts. – VVM Publishing House., 2019. – C.439. – ISBN 9785965112654. РИНЦ |
32 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO Clean-up of Hydrogen–Rich Reformate by Selective CO Methanation for PEM FC Application In compilation Catalysis without Borders : 14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019), 18 - 23 August 2019, Aachen, Germany : Book of Abstracts. 2019. |
33 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Akhmetov N.O.
, Pushkina S.D.
, Simonov P.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO and CO₂ Hydrogenation over Highly Dispersed Ru-, Rh- and Pt/Ce₀.₇₅Zr₀.₂₅O₂ Catalysts In compilation Catalysis without Borders : 14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019), 18 - 23 August 2019, Aachen, Germany : Book of Abstracts. 2019. |
34 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Flare Gases to Methane-Rich Mixtures under Extremely Low Steam to Carbon Ratios In compilation Catalysis without Borders : 14th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat 2019), 18 - 23 August 2019, Aachen, Germany : Book of Abstracts. 2019. |
35 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Approaches to the Equilibrium Composition Calculations for the Conversion of Diesel Fuel In compilation XXII International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia.June 19-23, 2019 Saint Petersburg, Russia.Book of Abstracts. 2019. – C.156. OpenAlex |
36 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Novel Catalysts Prepared by Pechini Technique for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons In compilation Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level. 5th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists (May 20-23, 2018, Moscow, Russia) [Electronic resource] : Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2018. – C.271. – ISBN 9785906376213. |
37 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Noble Metal-Based Catalysts for Steam and Autothermal Reforming of n-Hexadecane and Diesel Fuel to Synthesis Gas In compilation Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level. 5th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists (May 20-23, 2018, Moscow, Russia) [Electronic resource] : Abstracts. – BIC SB RAS., 2018. – C.311-312. – ISBN 9785906376213. |
38 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Bulavchenko O.A.
, Simonov P.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Catalysts Prepared by Pechini Technique for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons: Correlations between Composition and Activity In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceedings of V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2018. – C.61. – ISBN 9785917011325. |
39 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Shilov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Structured Catalysts for Hydrocarbon Oxidation Processes In compilation Catalysis: From Science to Industry: Proceedings of V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists. – “Ivan Fedorov” publishing., 2018. – C.77. – ISBN 9785917011325. |
40 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Kurochkin A.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low‐Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons: Kinetic Study on the Way to Selective Conversion In compilation XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-23) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (November 5-9, 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. – BIC., 2018. – C.59-60. – ISBN 9785906376220. РИНЦ |
41 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Syngas Production for SOFC via Catalytic Oxidation of Diesel Fuel In compilation XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-23) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (November 5-9, 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. – BIC., 2018. – C.107-108. – ISBN 9785906376220. РИНЦ |
42 |
Enikeev M.
, Potemkin D.
, Enikeeva L.
, Gubaydullin I.
, Enikeev A.
, Maleeva M.
, Snytnikov P.
Analysis of Corrosion Processes Kinetics on the Surface of Metals In compilation XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-23) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (November 5-9, 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. – BIC., 2018. – C.265-266. – ISBN 9785906376220. |
43 |
Ezdin B.S.
, Kalyada V.V.
, Ichshenko A.V.
, Zarvin A.E.
, Nikiforov A.A.
, Snytnikov P.
Pyrolysis of a Mixture of Monosilane and Alkanes in a Compression Reactor to Produce Nanodispersed Silicon Carbide In compilation XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-23) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (November 5-9, 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. – BIC., 2018. – C.2690270. – ISBN 9785906376220. |
44 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
How to Design an Effective CO PrOx Catalyst and Reactor? In compilation XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors (CHEMREACTOR-23) [Electronic resource] : abstracts / (November 5-9, 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. – BIC., 2018. – C.362-363. – ISBN 9785906376220. |
45 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Kurochkin A.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons: Kinetic Study on the Way to Selective Conversion In compilation MaCKiE–2018. Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering: Book of Abstracts, Ghent, November 8–9, 2018. 2018. – C.80-81. – ISBN 9789082401011. |
46 |
Shoynkhorova T.
, Rogozhnikov V.
, Sobyanin V.
, Snytnikov P.
, Simonov P.
, Potemkin D.
, Belyaev V.
Autothermal and Steam Reforming of N-Hexadecane and Diesel to Synthesis Gas on Rh-Contained Catalysts In compilation 9th International Conference on Hydrogen Production. 2018. – C.37. |
47 |
Rogohnikov V.
, Sobyanin V.
, Konishcheva M.
, Snytnikov P.
, Potemkin D.
, Abdurakhmanov I.
, Bosch R.
, van Basten J.
CO Cleanup of H2-Rich Reformate by Preferential CO Methanation In compilation 9th International Conference on Hydrogen Production. 2018. – C.42. |
48 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Selective CO Methanation in the Reformate Gas over Ni-, Co- and Fe/CeO2 Catalysts: Tuning Catalyst Activity and Selectivity In compilation The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology. 2018. |
49 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO Cleanup of H2-Rich Reformate by Preferential CO Methanation over Nickel-Ceria Catalysts: From Mechanistic Studies to Catalyst and Reactor Design In compilation The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology. 2018. |
50 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Belyaev V.D.
, P.V.S.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Hydrogen Generation from Oxygenated Compounds of C1 Chemistry for Low- and High- Temperature PEM Fuel Cells In compilation The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology. 2018. |
Conference attendances (101) More info
1 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Catalytic Reforming of Dimethoxymethane to Hydrogen-Rich Gas XII Международная конференция «Механизмы каталитических реакций» 17-21 Jun 2024 |
2 |
Stroeva A.
, Borisov V.A.
, Ichetovkin Z.
, Fyodorova Z.
, Shlyapin D.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kuzʹmin A.V.
Functional Materials for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells Powered by Ammonia The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials 03-07 Jul 2023 |
3 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Pakharukova V.P.
, Stonkus O.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
Platinum Ceria-Zirconia Supported Catalysts for the Water Gas Shift Reaction: Structure Diagnostics and Approaches to Boost the Performance The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials 03-07 Jul 2023 |
4 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Design of Polyfunctional Composite Catalysts for Hydrogen Production Reactions The 8th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials 03-07 Jul 2023 |
5 |
Borisov V.A.
, Temerev V.L.
, Simunin M.M.
, Leont’eva N.N.
, Shlyapin D.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Ammonia Decomposition Ru-Ba/ANF Catalysts for Hydrogen Energy Catalysis: from Science to Industry : VII International School-Conference for Young Scientists 11-15 Oct 2022 |
6 |
Urlukov A.S.
, Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of С2+-hydrocarbons over High Dispersed Rh Catalysts Catalysis: from Science to Industry : VII International School-Conference for Young Scientists 11-15 Oct 2022 |
7 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Svintsitskiy D.A.
, Gerasimov E.Y.
, Emelyanov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
A Comparative Investigation of Equimolar Rh, Pt and Ru-Based Structured Catalysts’ Activities in Natural Gas, Propane, and Gasoline Reforming XVII HYdrogen POwer THeoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium 26-29 Sep 2022 |
8 |
Shilov V.A.
, Zazhigalov S.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Verification of Mathematical Model of Diesel Steam and Autothermal Reforming XVI HYdrogen POwer THeoretical & Engineering Solutions International Symposium 08-10 Nov 2021 |
9 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Dimethoxymethane Fuel Processing for SOFC-APU: Insights for Catalyst and Reactor Design XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors. CHEMREACTOR-24 12-17 Sep 2021 |
10 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Fyodorova Z.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Zazhigalov S.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Structured Catalysts and Reformers for Gaseous and Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels Processing to Hydrogen-Rich Gas XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors. CHEMREACTOR-24 12-17 Sep 2021 |
11 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Brayko A.S.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Urlukov A.S.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Highly Dispersed Ni/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 Catalysts for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Flare Gases XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors. CHEMREACTOR-24 12-17 Sep 2021 |
12 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Popov M.P.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Zazhigalov S.
, Fyodorova Z.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Nemudry A.P.
LPG Partial Oxidation over Rh/Ce0.25Zr0.75O2-Al2O3/FeCrAlloy for Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Feeding XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors. CHEMREACTOR-24 12-17 Sep 2021 |
13 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Zazhigalov S.
, Shilov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Modification of Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2/Al2O3/FeCrAl Catalytic Module: Toward Enhanced Effectivity of Aromatic Compound Conversion XXIV International Conference on Chemical Reactors. CHEMREACTOR-24 12-17 Sep 2021 |
14 |
Urlukov A.S.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Flare Gas Hydrocarbons over Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 9th Global Conference on Global Warming 01-04 Aug 2021 |
15 |
Gorlova A.M.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Noble Metal Catalysts for Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction 6th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists «Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level» 16-19 May 2021 |
16 |
Ruban N.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Emelyanov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Ru/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Structured Catalyst for CO2 Methanation and Steam Reforming of Natural Gas 6th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists «Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level» 16-19 May 2021 |
17 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Zazhigalov S.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Structured Catalysts for Hydrocarbons and Oxygenates Mixtures Conversion to Hydrogen-Rich Gas IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic Hydroprocessing in Oil Refining" 26-30 Apr 2021 |
18 |
Zazhigalov S.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
Modeling of Hydrogen Production by Diesel Reforming at Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-Ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic Hydroprocessing in Oil Refining" 26-30 Apr 2021 |
19 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Gorlova A.M.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Fyodorova Z.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Hythane Production via Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Natural Gas IV Scientific-Technological Symposium "Catalytic Hydroprocessing in Oil Refining" 26-30 Apr 2021 |
20 |
Shilov V.A.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Study of Diesel Fuel Autothermal Reforming into Syngas on Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Structured Catalyst World Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies 17-19 Mar 2021 |
21 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Flare Gas Conditioning, Electricity Generation, Cryptocurency Mining, Carbon Dioxide Capture and Hydrogen Production. What is the Nexus between Them? World Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies 17-19 Mar 2021 |
22 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Kashin A.M.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Dimethoxymethane and Dimethyl Ether Partial Oxidation to Syngas over Pt/CeO2-ZrO2 Catalyst for SOFC Supply XV HYdrogen POwer THeoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium 03-05 Jun 2020 |
23 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
From Mechanistic Studies of the Preferential CO Methanation in the Presence of CO2 to Design of Structured Nickel-Ceria Catalysts XI International Conference Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions 07-11 Oct 2019 |
24 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Zagoruiko A.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Zazhigalov S.
Rh/Ce0.75Zr0.25O2-δ-ƞ-Al2O3/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module for Diesel Autothermal Reforming: Preparation, Performance and Modeling 6th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors 11-13 Sep 2019 |
25 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Flare Gases Utilization via Low-Temperature Steam Reforming Reaction Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals : 5th International Conference 02-06 Sep 2019 |
26 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Kuzin N.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Simonov P.A.
, Shilov V.A.
, Ruban N.V.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Operation of a Rh/Ce₀.₇₅Zr₀.₂₅O₂-δ-ƞ-Al₂O₃/FeCrAl Wire Mesh Honeycomb Catalytic Module in Diesel Autothermal Reforming EuropaCat-XIV: 14th European Congress on Catalysis "Catalysis without Borders" 18-23 Aug 2019 |
27 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO Clean-up of Hydrogen–Rich Reformate by Selective CO Methanation for PEM FC Application EuropaCat-XIV: 14th European Congress on Catalysis "Catalysis without Borders" 18-23 Aug 2019 |
28 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Akhmetov N.O.
, Pushkina S.D.
, Simonov P.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO and CO₂ Hydrogenation over Highly Dispersed Ru-, Rh- and Pt/Ce₀.₇₅Zr₀.₂₅O₂ Catalysts EuropaCat-XIV: 14th European Congress on Catalysis "Catalysis without Borders" 18-23 Aug 2019 |
29 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Flare Gases to Methane-Rich Mixtures under Extremely Low Steam to Carbon Ratios EuropaCat-XIV: 14th European Congress on Catalysis "Catalysis without Borders" 18-23 Aug 2019 |
30 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Catalytic Systems for Hydrogen Production for Fuel Cells Feeding Applications 2019 Sino-Russian High-Level International Symposium on Catalysis 15-17 Jun 2019 |
31 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Akhmetov N.O.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Partial Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether to H2-Rich Gas over Alumina Supported CuO-CeO2 Catalysts 10th International Conference on Hydrogen Production 15-17 May 2019 |
32 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Kurochkin A.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons: Kinetic Study on the Way to Selective Conversion Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering : International Conference 08-09 Nov 2018 |
33 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Shigarov A.B.
, Kurochkin A.V.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low‐Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons: Kinetic Study on the Way to Selective Conversion XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors 04-11 Nov 2018 |
34 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Kulikov A.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Syngas Production for SOFC via Catalytic Oxidation of Diesel Fuel XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors 04-11 Nov 2018 |
35 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
How to Design an Effective CO PrOx Catalyst and Reactor? XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors 04-11 Nov 2018 |
36 |
Enikeev M.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Enikeeva L.
, Gubaidullin I.M.
, Enikeev A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Maleeva M.
Analysis of Corrosion Processes Kinetics on the Surface of Metals XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors 04-11 Nov 2018 |
37 |
Ezdin B.S.
, Kalyada V.V.
, Ishchenko A.V.
, Zarvin A.E.
, Nikiforov A.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
Pyrolysis of a Mixture of Monosilane and Alkanes in a Compression Reactor to Produce Nanodispersed Silicon Carbide XXIII International Conference on Chemical Reactors 04-11 Nov 2018 |
38 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Bulavchenko O.A.
, Simonov A.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Catalysts Prepared by Pechini Technique for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons: Correlations between Composition and Activity Catalysis: from Science to Industry : V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists 25-29 Sep 2018 |
39 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Shilov V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Structured Catalysts for Hydrocarbon Oxidation Processes Catalysis: from Science to Industry : V International Scientific School-Conference for Young Scientists 25-29 Sep 2018 |
40 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Selective CO Methanation in the Reformate Gas over Ni-, Co- and Fe/CeO2 Catalysts: Tuning Catalyst Activity and Selectivity The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology 05-10 Aug 2018 |
41 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO Cleanup of H2-Rich Reformate by Preferential CO Methanation over Nickel-Ceria Catalysts: From Mechanistic Studies to Catalyst and Reactor Design The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology 05-10 Aug 2018 |
42 |
Badmaev S.D.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Hydrogen Generation from Oxygenated Compounds of C1 Chemistry for Low- and High- Temperature PEM Fuel Cells The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology 05-10 Aug 2018 |
43 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Belyaev V.D.
Autothermal and Steam Reforming of N-Hexadecane and Diesel to Synthesis Gas on Rh-Contained Catalysts 9th International Conference on Hydrogen Production 16-19 Jul 2018 |
44 |
Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Sobyanin V.A.
, Konishcheva M.V.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Abdurakhmanov I.
, Bosch R.
, van Basten J.
CO Cleanup of H2-Rich Reformate by Preferential CO Methanation 9th International Conference on Hydrogen Production 16-19 Jul 2018 |
45 |
Konishcheva M.V.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Selective CO Methanation in the Hydrogen-Rich Gas over the Halogen (F, Cl, Br) Promoted Ni/CeO2 Catalysts 5th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists “Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level” 20-23 May 2018 |
46 |
Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Pechenkin A.A.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Novel Catalysts Prepared by Pechini Technique for Low-Temperature Steam Reforming of Light Hydrocarbons 5th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists “Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level” 20-23 May 2018 |
47 |
Shoynkhorova T.B.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Simonov P.A.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Badmaev S.D.
, Rogozhnikov V.N.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Noble Metal-Based Catalysts for Steam and Autothermal Reforming of n-Hexadecane and Diesel Fuel to Synthesis Gas 5th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists “Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level” 20-23 May 2018 |
48 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Uskov S.I.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Belyaev V.D.
, Kirillov V.A.
, Sobyanin V.A.
Low Temperature Catalytic Steam Conversion of Light Hydrocarbons into Methane-Rich Gas Mixtures for Power Plant Feeding Applications The First International Conference on Intellect-Intensive Technologies in Power Engineering (Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Molten and Solid Electrolytes) 18-22 Sep 2017 |
49 |
Snytnikov P.V.
, Aghayan M.
, Rubio-Marcos F.
, Potemkin D.I.
, Uskov S.I.
, Hussainova I.
, Suknev A.P.
, Kovalyov E.V.
, Paukshtis E.A.
, Bal'zhinimaev B.S.
, Sobyanin V.A.
The Mesoporous Fibrous Alumina Supported Transition Metal-Based Material: Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic Properties in Carbon Dioxide Methanation, Methane Steam Reforming and Deep Oxidation Reactions Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals : 4th International Conference 04-08 Sep 2017 |
50 |
Potemkin D.I.
, Filatov E.Y.
, Zadesenets A.V.
, Snytnikov P.V.
, Sobyanin V.A.
CO PROX on Pt-M and Pt-MOx (M = Fe, Ni, Co) Model Catalysts: The Origin of Synergetic Effect Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals : 4th International Conference 04-08 Sep 2017 |

2020 - Dr.Sc.
2004 - Ph.D.